Chapter 5

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Today I was going to meet Mr. Malik. I was wearing a whit sleeveless chiffon blouse tucked in my black pencil skirt and black five inch heels. I ordered a cab and waited. Kate offered me her car but I told her I didn't get a license yet.

I stood in front of the 30 floor building in front of me. I entered and went to the elevator and pressed 30. The door opened after 2 minutes. I went to the receptionist and said "Good morning. I have an appointment with Mr. Malik at the moment, if you please could tell him I'm here."I smiled at her.

"Your name?" She asked looking at the screen in front of her.

"Fatma Eldeeb." I said nervously. What if he forgot? What if-

"Mr. Malik is expecting you. Follow me, please." She smiled and stood up. I followed here my black purse in my hand and biting my lip nervously.

She opened the door I think of his office. She smiled at me and ushered me to enter with a wave. I nodded and smiled, then entered. I found a man standing his back to me, he was really tall compared to me. He was wearing a dark gray suit, his hair was gelled and combed. I cleared my throat for him to acknowledge my presence.

He glanced over his shoulder and then turned around. I was trying to keep my mouth closed. He was so hot, oh God please have mercy on me.

He smiled and pointed at the chair opposite to his desk and said "Please have a seat."

I smiled back and sat down. His eyes following me. Then he sat on the opposite side of the desk.

"So, I will ask you some question and want straight answer,okay?" I nodded. "How old are you?" He asked.

" I'm eighteen,Sir." I answered.

"Why are you attending you uni here in London?" He asked leaning back against his chair.

"Because I wanted to have my career, and my teachers at my school told me it was better to me to have your uni outside Egypt, because there is no future in Egypt. And you are smart so why waste your time in a city that no- one can have a future in." I said quickly while he was nodding with every word.

"And why London specifically?" He asked cautiously.

"Because in high school I went to a British school, sir, and I love England and wanted to learn in the capital of the city." I don't know how I was so calm and not freaking out.

"Why do you want this job?" He asked curiouly.

"I was on the internet, searching for a job and found it's payment really good, and I'm okay with working for three days." I answered slowly.

"What do you want to be when you finish uni?" He asked.

"I want to be an Architect and a Decorator, Sir." I answered.

"Okay. You have the job." He smiled.

I had to refuse the urge to jump up and down. I grinned excitedly and said "Thank you, Sir. What days will I be there and what time?"

"Monday till Wednesday. From 9 AM till 4 PM and there is a lunch hour from 12 till 1. Sign here." He said and handed me a paper and a pen and pointed to me to sign my name. I did and handed him the paper back.

"Here is your key. Its the office beside mine and there is a door that separates the two offices. And give me your number." He said handing me the key and his iPhone 6 plus. I entered my number and called myself to save his too.

"Thank you, sir. See you tomorrow Inshaallah." I smiled.

He smiled back and said "Inshaallah."

I left his office grinning. The receptionist smiled when she saw me happy and said "The smile on your face means you're accepted. Congratulations. I'm Perrie by that way." We shook hands and exchanged numbers and I told her I had to go.

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