Chapter 45

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"I'm freaking out so much lately and Jake is telling me my mood swings are annoying. And I've been getting angry at very tiny details and sometimes I feel like throwing up. I can't stand the smell of food and I don't know what to do." Kate rambled into the phone with panic in her voice.

I laughed lightly trying to lighten up her mood. "Its a normal thing for being pregnant Kate. You will find out so many changes and you may even cry with no reason, but don't stress yourself too much for the baby and stop panicking." I demanded softly to the phone.

"How did you know all of that?" She asked shocked and confused at the same time.

"Well, if you had two younger sisters and a brother you would have known, honey." I said in an older tone.

She laughed lightly and I smiled as her mood lightened up. "I'm scared." She blurted out suddenly.

"What are you scared of and why?" I asked her and readjusted my phone between my cheek and shoulder as I continued typing on my laptop.

"That I might have miscarriage. I can't imagining losing the baby that I haven't seen nor did I know the gender of, Fatma. I can't stand the idea of it every time I think of it, it frightens me to death." She was scared and her words made my fingers freeze.

Of course I knew that feeling. I have dealt with my aunt many time during her miscarriages. She looked miserable at that time and I didn't leave her. I missed a few days of school once just to be by her side.

"Done ever say that, Kate. Nothing will happen God willingly and atop panicking too much please. Just do what I told you okay." I said softly to the phone. "And even if something happened I will always be by your side."

"You're the best friend anyone could ask for." She pushed for a second. "Jake proposed yesterday."

"OH MY FUCK. ARE YOU SERIOUS?" I was on my feet and screaming into the phone. "Congratulations, Kate."

"Thank you. You should have seen him yesterday, he looked so nervous and flustered. He looked mostly cute bending on one knee holding a diamond ring in his palm." She sighed dreamingly.

"I wish I was her to record that moment." We both laughs and I told her I had to go and finish some work and we could meet later.


After slipping on my gym clothes I grabbed my car keys and left my apartment. The drive there wasn't long, but traffic made it longer than usual. I parked my car and showed the receptionist my membership card before entering the gym.

I was surprised to find Jake here in the gym only sitting on a chair with his head hung low. He was shirtless only wearing sweatpants and his broad shoulders and chest were well-built. I looked at his abs that Kate won't stop babbling about and saw that he had a six pack. Ha! Zayn has eight packs, my baby!

"Jake." I said my brows knitting together in confusion. I placed my bag and jacket on a table and walked over to him so I was now in front of him studying his face. He looked exhausted and sad.

"Hey." He said giving me a weak smile. I pulled a chair and sat in front of him. I was only in my tank top and shorts, my tank top showed a tiny bit of cleavage making his gaze drop to my boobs for a second before turning back to my eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked genuinely concerned.

He sighed shaking his head slightly. "The gang, Kate, my mom, my sister and everything. Nothing is right, Fatma." His hair grew taller now and it reached his ears and eyebrows.

A dream that came trueHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin