Chapter 34

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I watched as Fatma stormed upstairs frozen in my place. What the fuck did he just say? And how dare he say that in front of me? My mind is yelling at me to go after her and comfort her but I stood there glaring at the asshole in front of me.

He stood up and wiped his tears flashing me a smirk. I wanted to beat him till death because he made my girl cry that way and broke her heart but I controlled my anger.

"Are you deaf or something?" Alia asked him annoyed. He snapped her head towards her and glared. She glared back at him and they kept like that for a few seconds.

"I love her and I won't leave her mad at me. She means the world to me. Back the fuck off." He said through gritted teeth clearly angry.

"She will be more mad if you stayed here, Marawan. And I won't back off she is my best friend and you are an asshole. You are the one to back off." I was surprised by the word that escaped her lips. She must have caught it from Fatma of course.

"Its none of your damn business, bitch. Its between me and her." He said taking a step towards her. I stepped in front of him avoiding him from going any further. Fatma won't be very happy knowing he called her best friend a bitch.

"Watch your mouth and go pack your things then leave. You better leave willingly because I have many other ways to make you leave unwillingly." I told him as calmly as possible.

He scoffed and said "What can you do, then?" He took a step towards me and I held my ground. I won't let him get under my skin.

"I'm capable of doing so many things that you won't like. Don't push my buttons and leave now." I warned him.

"Why don't you understand that I love her and I won't leave her with you." He said.

Habiba snorted and said "Better than you." He flipped her off without turning around to look at her.

"If you love her, do you know what's her favourite kind of chocolate? Her favourite color? Do you know what she does at her free time? What kind of books she likes? What kind of music she loves? Her favourite author? Her favourite novel? Her favourite Singer? Her favourite band? Do you know what kind of pet she likes? Do you know how she sleeps? Do you even know when she sleeps? Do you know her favourite meal? Do you know anything from what I said?" I asked him way to many questions.

They all stood there agape at me but the look on his face was priceless. His eyes were so wide and his jaw was touching the floor and his cheeks flushed. He opened his mouth and closed it a few times but nothing came out. I smirked at him and crossed my arms over my chest.

"I guess that I got my answer then." I said sarcastically. His jaw clenched and so does his fists. He glared at me so hard and then an evil glint came in his eyes.

"Do you know that she is good in bed?" Everyone in the room gasped except me. He said this so loudly that I bet Fatma heard him. Before I could react to him a palm connected with his cheek so hard, even harder than Fatma's. I looked to see who it was and couldn't hide my surprise.

It was Jessie.

She was glaring at him coldly. He rubbed his hand across his cheek and sure there is a red mark on his cheek.

"Don't you ever dare talk about her like that." She said in a dangerous tone. The sound of a door slamming against the wall was heard from upstairs and we snapped our heads to the stairs. The padding of Fatma's boots were heard through the silent mansion. Alia looked scared what her friend might do.

Fatma came down this time not wearing her flannel. Her eyes were red just as her cheeks and nose. Her nostrils flaring as she glared at Marawan. She took long strides towards him and yanked his collar down so she was eye level with him. Her face turned into a smirk as she looked at Marawan, he gulped visibly making her smirk grow.

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