Chapter 8

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We arrived at the pub sharp nine. Kate parked the car and we all exited. Just as we exited the car a cute brunette came to us, he had dark golden brown hair, baby blue eyes and a light subtle. He had the same hair as Kate but Kate's hair is highlited blonde.

"Hey, sis." He said smiling. He glanced at us then went back to his sister.

"Hey, Ty. This is Anne, Fatma and Ahmed." She pointed at us one by one, we all smiled at him.

A car came and parked beside ours. We all glanced to find the same BMW of Mr. Malik. He exited the car and told the driver something. He was wearing a black and white tee, black skinny jeans and sneakers. This was Zayn Malik not Mr. Malik obviously.

He smiled at me and came to stand beside me. Now I was standing between him and Ahmed. Awesome!

"Hello! I'm Zayn." He said. I glanced at Kate and Annex to find their mouths hanging open and their eyes wide and glued on Zayn.

"I'm Ahmed." Ahmed said beside me smiling his hand was on my lower back. Zayn noticed and tensed beside me.

"And I'm Tyler. This is Kate and Anne." Tyler said feeling his sister can't talk.

"Come on guys. Lets go inside." I said happily. Glanced at Tyler he smiled and turned walking, us all following him.

We went to the bar and ordered our drinks. All of them ordered alcohol except me of course. Kate and Anne went to shots immediately. I noticed her and Tyler every while glance at each other and smile.

Kate stood from the bar stool and said loudly over the music "Lets dance." She grabbed mine and Anne's hands and dragged us to the dance floor. We danced for a while and the boys joined us.

After three songs Kate and Anne went to take a drink and Ahmed went with them. I was dancing with Zayn on the music, and a slow dance came. He out his hands on my hips and pulled me closer. I put my hands in his shoulders and swayed with the music.


Four hours later I was the only one sober in them, Kate and Anne giggling like madwomen.

Anne was leaning against Tyler, while Kate was leaning against Ahmed. I smiled at the drunk giggling couple. Zayn called his driver and we stood outside waiting for the driver. They all entered Kate's car while me and Zayn we're leaning against it waiting.

Zayn turned to me smiled and asked "Why didn't you drink?"

"Because...." I wanted to tell him the reason but didn't at the same time. He is Muslim yeah, but he drinks and has tattoos when it's all forbidden in Islam.

"Because what?" He asked slowly.

"Its forbidden in Islam, plus I don't like the smell of alcohol. Its simply disgusting." I told him smiling sweetly. He looked at the floor in shame.

I out a hand on his shoulder and said " I know that you're not a straight Muslim, but you can at least not do the things that are haram. I know can, zayn and you have to try. Allah is writing all the good things and bad. And he can forgive you but that's if you want to change. Nobody will make you change except yourself. You have the ability to change, so why not? Allah is forgiving Zayn. You're still 22, nearly 23. That means you still have a future in front of you." I told him smiling.

He smiled back and nodded " I think you're right. I'll try to change." He said.

"I know you're drunk right know and I know you will forget too. But I hope you will remember." I told him smiling.

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