Chapter 7

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I went to work today. I had a meeting with Mr. and Mrs. Bell, who wanted to build a hotel. It lasted for an hour after our discussing and some flirting with Mr. Malik. From the ring in her finger I knew that she was married.

Me and Mr. Malik opposite to them, every while she shot me disgusted looks while I just smile sweetly. Mr bell asked "Is there an interior decorator here Mr. Malik who can decorate hotels?"

Mr. Malik turned to look at me and raised a brow. I nodded at him and smiled.

"Yeah, Miss Fatma here is my personal secretary and the interior decorator." He told him. I was surprised really that I got another job.

"Is she good enough to give her the responsibility of all the hotel decorating?" She asked cautiously, looking at me in disgust.

"Its my job. And I'll try my best to imoress you, madam." I told her smiling politely and from the corner of my eye I saw Mr. Malik smiling too.

"Wonderful. How much time will it take to finish building?" Mr. Bell asked happily.

"We'll see and phone you, but right now we are working on another building. So we may begin at 22 November. And when will we see the land to make our measurements?" Mr. Malik asked.

"Is tomorrow fine with you?" Mr. Bell asked cautiously.

We nodded. Then they gave us the file with the details of the building then left.

Mr. Malik gave me the file after checking it and said "Give this to Nick. And tomorrow you will go with him to take the measurements of the land. Ask Perrie for the way to his office. Check the file before giving it to him."

"Yes, sir." I took the file and left the office.

I went to my office and read the file, and about half an hour I finished. I closed the file took it and exited the office. I went to Perrie and asked "Do you know where is Nick's office?"

She nodded and said "The 15 floor, The third office on your left."

I smiled and said a quick thanks. I went to the elevator and pressed 15.

I arrived in front of a door written on it Mr. Pettyfer. I knocked three times and heard a voice said come in. I opened the door to reveal a hot guy with golden brown hair, green eyes, pink lips, sharp jaw and subtle free face.

"Hi, Mr. Pettyfer. I'm Fatma Mr. Malik's secretary and the knew interior decorator." I said giving him a small smile while he kept a blank face. What's wrong with them and blank faces?

"Hey. Is there a reason you're coming here or something?" He asked coldly. My smile fell and I gave him a hard face.

"Yes, there is." I put the file on his desk and said "Tomorrow at 1 PM after lunch we're going to take the measurements of this land and will see how long will it take building it. That's Mr. Malik's instructions." I told him coldly.

"Okay. Anything else?" He asked in the same tune.

"No, sir. Excuse me." I said and smiled sweetly then went back to my office to complete my work. I felt him observing my every move.


I woke up and remembered that today was Friday, which means that we're going to the pub.

The rest of the week went normally. Me on Wednesday went to take the measurements with Nick with his same annoying attitude, going to classes on Thursday, doing my essays and talking to Ahmed. He is so nice really. We share two classes together and when I miss things at work he helps me and so does Anne.

A dream that came trueNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ