Chapter 54

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Hanging in the air.

I stared at her as she threw her cigarette away after smashing it's butt in the log. I finished mine and threw it away soon after her. Her head tilted to the side as she stared at the city in front if her. I stared at her soft features in the light, her soft lips, that I want to do so many naughty things with. I bit the side of my lip holding back a smirk trying to clear my thoughts away.

Its wasn't helping though, my eyes lowered to her chest, seeing the curve of it and her waist, narrow hips, the sexy curve of her thighs. Her head is tilted giving me a nice view of her neck where I left a hickey earlier. I blew a low breath and her head turned to me slowly, raising her eyebrow.

"What are you thinking of?" She asked curiously.

"Noooothing." I exaggerated teasing her, she narrowed her eyes at me warningly and a smirk broke to my face.

"Do you really wanna know?" I asked and she nodded slowly patiently. I inched closer to her and wrapped my arm around her hips bringing her closer to me and whispering lowly, in a deep voice in her ear.

"I was thinking about taking you right there in the forest and fucking to mercilessly, hear you screaming my name till your legs feel like jello." She shuddered pressing her thighs together tightly, blowing a shaky breath closing her eyes.

I kissed the sweet spot below her ear making her shiver and pulled away smirking. My phone beeped announcing a text, I took it out of my pocket to find it Ben telling me to come over to a party at his.

"Wanna go to a party?" I asked and she nodded jumping off the log. I wrapped my arm around her waist as we walked back to the car. "Smile." I said quietly in her ear and she gave me a small smile obeying my order.

"Look who arrived." Ben exclaimed looking totally drunk as he walked towards us. "Mr party-pooper, and miss life-of-the-party." He said making Fatma laugh in amusement and making me scowl.

He dragged Fatma by the arm taking her out of my grasp and yelled over the music "Come on we're playing truth or dare and you are so playing." He stopped turning to me. "You can play if you want, but if you are going to be the party pooper you are, better go home. I got her." He said patting Fatma on the back and she slapped his hand away.

"You're fucking wasted." She said and slapped the back of his head when he pouted.

"I'm not." His face turned green at once and he got a little dizzy. She rolled her eyes, wrapped his arm on her shoulder dragging him to the toilet to throw up obviously.

"I got him." I said and taking him from her walking to the toilet. She gave me a thankful smile and went to Kate.

Ben rinsed his mouth and dried his face with a towel after finishing his business as I waited at the doorway for him. He turned to me leaning on the sink.

"Do you really love her?" He asked me out of the blue making me frown.

"Yeah, I do." I said my frown deepening. "Why are you asking this?"

"I don't know, I just don't see you jealous when she's around me or Tyler or Jake. Its a little weird honestly, if you say so. That made me doubt you for a second, I mean, any guy would be jealous from the air she breathes in." He explained.

"Just because I'm not jealous of you guys doesn't mean I don't love her. I love her so goddamn much, and you are her friends. I won't be jealous of her friends of course, at the end she is mine. She loves me, and Tyler and Jake has their girlfriends. You are a player I know but that doesn't mean I have to worry about you, I may be little protective yeah, but I'm not jealous." I said and my lips twitched up in a smile.

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