I remember when I lost it

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It was dark, i couldn't see anything. I started to panic. Then a light appears a bright light that would blind you if you looked straight into it, it was pan. Out of no where an arrow flies at me and i dodge it. A menacing laugh comes from him "you always had fast reflexes" he chuckled some more as i started to run. The i fall to the ground the last thing i see is pan coming to rip my heart out.

I woke up in plain terror i get out of bed and look at the clock. Its six am. I put on my hoodie and tried to sneak out. I see on a recliner pan is asleep. I look at him and fear and run out the door.

I jog until im on the other side of town and out of oxygen. I bump into mr gold and fall down. "Better watch were your going dearie" he offers his hand and i take it as he pulls me up.

I look into his eyes and there was a silent pause. Flashback. Rumple was with pan together laughing getting along, watching me. I snap out of it and start screaming.

He looks at me trying to calm me down as i struggle in his grasp. "You are going to wake the whole neighborhood!" he yelled and covered my mouth. I nodded as my response was muffled. "Come with me" he spoke more quietly. We walked into his shop. It was filled with nick nacks quite beautiful in its own way. He took me to the very back and handed me a beautiful black bow and quiver. I was dumbfounded. "Its beautiful."

"Its time for you to reclaim your destiny alice." rumple spoke soft so soft i could barely hear it. "Why" i turn around. He jerked his head back and giggled. "Why what dearie." "why are you giving me this when you know i can destroy you." i raised my voice. He thought this was hilarious and laughed harder. "Oh you wont destroy me when you have went completely went mad." i was furious. "What do you mean ive gone mad" "i mean history is repeating itself , your destiny is taking place." everything connected.

I am alice rae hood daughter of robin hood, raised as a pirate, most powerful, only im not a lost girl my mission is to kill pan..

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