Childhood nightmare

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I woke up to Peter staring at me with concerned eyes. "Are you ok love you hurt your head." He chuckled a little after that. "Yeah I'm fine, where am I? Why am I tied down?!" I said realizing the brown straps going across my body.

After a moment he didn't answer I got mad. "Peter what's going on!"  He laughed an evil laugh. "You see I'm not Peter but I think you do remember me." I looked at him with fear and confusion although I tried not to show it it was no use.

He morphed into this man with hair as black as coal hair,red as lava eyes, and he was dressed in all black. I let out a gasp of straight terror. He was the person that would appear and my sleep. He was abusive and never once tried to make peace.

"Hello sleep." I said relating to what I called him when I was a little girl. My voice was shaking with fear. "Hello my Alice how are you doing?" He asked as if concerned.

"What are you going to do to me Peter will never let you get away with this." I tried to get through to him but it was no use. " you see I will get away with it because I have helpers to take his mind off of things." He chuckled again.

" who is working with you? I demand to know!" I yelled. " oh you will enjoy this skylar, Danielle come here." They walk out strutting both smiling evil.

"What are you going to do to me." I said trying to choke back tears. Sleep leaned to whisper in my ear, "we are going to bring out the demon in you and see all of the creatures you are..." He took a pause but I interrupted. " and the your going to let me go?" I asked voice shaking. Everyone of them laughed. "And then... I'm going to kill you." He stated simply.

He undid the straps. "Now if you try to run I will kill you." He stated. I scoffed I'm to powerful for him right when he undoes these straps I'm teleporting out of here.

The tension in my body left so I could tell the straps were gone. I didn't know where to teleport to so I just went to pans tent. If sleep did find me I wrote a letter since Peter wasn't there.

Dear my love,
You might be sad,angry, and distressed. But I just want to let you know I love you very much. I was killed by your sister, my doppelgänger, and my childhood nightmare named sleep, please tell my father I love him too. Bury me afloat in the sea in a white dress with pink flowers. Tell everyone I fought with courage because I promise you I will fight to my last breath. I'm afraid he is too strong for me. Since I won't get the chance to say this at our wedding " till death do us part" I love you and on my grave marker put me as Alice pan.

I was sobbing I can just imagine his face when he realizes that I'm dead. I ran into the woods and just collapsed on my knees. I heard footsteps behind me so I hurriedly turned my head. Alas my fears came true it was sleep.

My eyes turned black it was time to fight. Before I could blink a Magic force blew me back and I was slammed against a tree. I groaned in pain and got up. He punched me in the face. Hand shaking , I grabbed my lip and looked at my finger.

Blood, my lip was bleeding. "Would you like it better if I killed you in the form of your Peter Pan?" He mocked. I smiled. "Yes please "  he looked at me confused for a second and I took the opportunity to slip out of his grasp and spread my angle wings. "Too bad princess." And then I felt something in my chest gone, an emptiness.

I collapsed on the ground and gasped. "Bye bye you little brat." He said one last time and then I was gone...,

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