Memory loss

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The evil queen looked at me with an evil smile that played on her lips.

"Enjoying never land Alice." She smiled using my name I gasped it was so foreign,I haven't told anyone of it since the curse.

"Your pathetic can't even get your own nieces name right. Remember lilah. It not alice." Peter said to her like she was dumb laughing a bit at her.

"Oh but your supposed to be in love wow this girl is full of secrets." She stopped and looked at me and I glared back but she just continued. " let me introduce my niece Alice the crazy little girl everyone has been talking about for centuries. The little girl that is mad in her head and is full of curiosity." She stated with such smugness.

"Is that true lilah... Alice whoever you are." Peter looked at me eyes two shades darker he was furious.

"Yes it is true I would have told you if you would have asked about my past when I drunk the potion" I said and he just turned towards the tree.

"And what about you when were you going to tell me you knew." He said yelling at my father I didn't even know that was coming up the path.

" you didn't ask?" Hook says questionly.

"No I've been too kind and you broke one of the biggest rule you don't lie to me." Peter said walking to me I'm getting scared he has never acted like this.

" Peter what are you doing I haven't lied I just haven't said anything!" I yelled out of fear.

"Here wear this and you did lie you said you were lilah and your Alice." He looked at me and it made my heart crack into pieces, he looked disgusted. He handed me a black leather cuff as he was talking and put it around my wrist.

Once it was around my wrist I felt helpless I knew what it was it took away my magic and that's when I got scared.

"Knock her out." He whispered trying to stay strong I can tell. " I can do you one better Regina said and red dust was in my face and that's when everything went black.


I woke up off of the ground in an unfamiliar bamboo cage. I didn't know where I was or how I got here but in the middle of my thoughts i remembered my best friend.

" Jefferson where are you." There was no reply. "Oh mad hatter where are you." I yelled and I heard a giggle.

"What are you doing Alice I guess I should call you that anyway." An unfamiliar voice said I thought it was the chess Shire cat but it was far too diverse.

"What else would you call me and this certainly isn't wonderland where am I oh my this is strange." I said still trying to comprehend everything.

" uh lilah are you feeling ok." The boy said with worry in his voice.

"I'm not lilah I'm Alice and who are you oh and WHY CANT I USE MY MAGIC.!?!" I yelled at the boy he stumbled back.

"Alice you don't remember me it me pan the one you love." He said with hurt in his voice.

" sorry no I don't even remember anything after wonderland plus you seem to be the leader so you put me in here why would you care?!" I spat out the last part.

" here I will let you out." He said in a hurry.

When I was on the ground he kept staring at me. He tried to touch me but I backed away .

"Please don't touch me giving into my captors would be absurd." I said rather calmly.

He had tears brimming his eyes.

I ran out of sight, I couldn't watch that he was being pathetic. I didn't even remember him so he couldn't be important.

I kept running until I found a tree house that would have been hidden if it wasn't for my magic.

I climbed up and saw a girl in a green dress. " can you help me please I don't know where I am and I don't mean any harm." I said and the girl nodded.

" I'm tinkerbelle you must be hiding from pan and you must have magic." I nodded at the last part.

"I'm Alice and yes I have magic." I giggled this was so different from wonderland. Everyone was more savage.

" well of course I will let you hide from pan he wants you and I would love to see you beat him at his own game." She giggled I'm guessing this pan is a bit spoiled.

"So any interesting things going on with this "pan" ." I said.

" well I heard he has recently found love with this lilah I've never seen her though." She said

" that's funny he called me lilah when I woke up" I almost yelled. She looked up at me.

" you need to leave now pan will kill me he will think I kidnapped you just go please I know you lost your memory I could sense that but please go." She said pushing me out the door.

I cried walking through this unknown land is frustrating.

Then amongst several branches a saw a familiar face, my father.

I hugged him. "Daddy where am I , I don't remember anything and people keep calling me lilah I don't know." I said letting it all fall out.

" don't cry this is never land where all your dreams come true" I looked up at him and he nodded truthfully.

I walked back to this camp everyone keeps talking about and right away pan came up to me. " do you remember now?" He questioned.

" nope." I replied emotionless. I really do want to remember.

He took my hand and lead me to this cliff where the sun was setting. As always curiosity got the best of me and I had to ask . " pan what was lilah like?" I questioned.

" lilah was fun,Adventurous,Beautiful,brave,and daring." He smiled and continued "she is you. You are her." I smiled at him.

"Just let me try and break this curse alive please!"


"True loves kiss please let me try"

"It's worth a shot."

And like that he crashed his lips into mine. And memories came flooding back. As to show him it worked I kissed back.

" how do you feel lilah." He whispered in my ear gently.

"I feel like I'm back ." I said proudly " but call me Alice now that you know lilah was my curse name given to me by Regina." I said

" I love you Alice." I could hear his smirk as we were still hugging. " I love you too Peter" I said

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