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I was in peters room singing my favorite song to myself . (just a dream by nelly)

"I was thinking bout you thinking bout me thinking about us what we gonna be open my eyes it was only just a dreeeaaammm." I sung when I heard clapping.

I turned around frightened mostly because I have real bad stage fright.

" That was beautiful." I hear a light but deep British accent and immediately knew who it was.

"Oh my god you were not supposed to hear that!" I said more embarrassed.

"Oh get over it I'm going to go for a walk in the woods if you would like to join me." he said which I just nodded my head as an answer.

As we were walking down this path I felt an hand grab my right arm roughly. "ow Peter you're sort of hurting me." I said

He looked at me confused, I automatically knew something was wrong by the worry in his beautiful green eyes.

"Lilah I'm not touching you at all." he said

Everything grew quiet as I slowly looked down at my arm. right when I looked some force pulled me into the woods as thorns scratched me.

"Hello dearie didn't expect to see you here." he said and I looked at him with fear in my eyes. I knew who he was with his brown hair that kinda meshed with grey and his dark attire.

It was the evil a.k.a rumplestilskin. "What do you want from me." I ask coldly.

"Well you see dearie it's not you that I want it's my long relative Peter Pan." he said. I was so shocked how are they related.

"Well then why did you take me?"i ask very concerned and with worry in my voice.

"You see you are very special Regina is close to me and I know your related to her which means you have magic in your blood." rumple says with a giggle as if were amusing.

"Yea so what does that have to do with all of this." I'm very confused here.

"Well dearie it all in the prophecy." I gave him a confused look and he continued to explain. "well the prophecy states that a magical decedent of the evil queen will be Peter Pans long lasting love for all eternity and well Peter crushed my happiness so I'm here to destroy his."

I stood there with my eyes as big as saucers I just found out that my current boyfriend is my long lasting love and that mr. gold might just kill me.

"So your going to kill me." I ask choking back tears but everyone knows I'm not very good at that.

"Not exactly you see I need you alive to remind Peter everyday of what I took from him." well at least I'm not going to die wait what am I saying I love Peter. in just this short amount of time I realize now that I truly do love him.

"Is there any way I can be free." I ask starting to sob thinking there is no way out.

"Well there is one way but I might say it's a little how do you put it oh yea "childish"" he says giggling again.

"What is it." I ask gaining hope.

"You Lilah get Peter to uh have a baby with you." I looked at rumple in complete shock like." what I'm thirteen THIRTEEN. I cannot have a baby, and plus I cannot grow up neither can the baby we are on neverland." I told him he looked at me as if I were an idiot.

"I will put a spell on you and Peter to make you turn into nice sixteen year old you know not to young just right at the dot."he said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Plus I know all of the erotic thoughts of him you think I've been watching you Lilah ,plus me and pan are related I have his abilities you know if that means I can read minds." oh crap that's embarrassing.

"Fine I will do it as long as it means I am with Peter." I yell agreeing.

Right then we heard Peter yell my name. rumple looked at me and teleported us to skull rock.

Just like that I am transformed into a sixteen year old I looked amazing.

"Now here is the price I get your first boy I don't need a girl I need a boy I have enchanted you so whenever you are impregnated the baby will grow."rumple said.

"What if I have a girl?"i said getting worried all over again. "well dearie you just got to try try again." I looked at him like whaatttt who says we will want another child after knowing we will have to give it away.

"You see until you have a boy ,every time you um well do it you will get impregnated." he said

Ok but-

And just like that he vanished and I was back at camp.

Peter came to me with worry eyes "Lilah I have been looking everywhere for you I was afraid I would have to rip someone's head off." he said with worry in his voice which quickly turned to shock. "and we are older now." he said then all the pieces fit perfectly together.

"You made a deal with rumple didn't you?" He asked. I led him to a log next to the fire. "Yes I did but only so we can be together he was going to hurt me." I tell him.

"What was the deal." Peter said with clenched teeth.

"I give him our first born son." He looked at me and this time he was in complete shock.

" So I see he told you about the prophecy and how I truly am in love with you." he said smirking.

"Yea I actually thought this deal wasn't so bad." I said glad he is not mad.

"Yea it isn't I can live with it especially because I know what we have to do to get us a son." he said raising his eyebrows.

I giggled and punched his chest "oh shut up."

He kissed me on the forehead and pulled me close. "I'm glad you heard that prophecy." Peter stated.

"Why is that?" I asked he looked at me and said. "because now you know how much I love you."



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