satisfaction and power

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With her reputation you would think I would be scared but I am not. You see she may be strong but I am powerful so in summary I am not scared of ketherine peirce. plus it was nice to see peter as one thing I haven't seen him before. a mommas boy.

I snapped out of my thoughts as I realized peter and Katherine were staring at me waiting for me to respond. "oh pardon my rudeness it is lovely to meet you katherina." I said with a smile and she gave me a smirk one that resembled peters. she walked around staring at us and she smirked again. "so my boy when are you going to tell her about your plan?" she asked and peter quickly stiffend and clenched his jaw.

"not right now mother you know that what are you trying to do?" he said and she let out a giggle. "just trying to make the game fun." listening to the conversation I looked up at peter. "what plan." I knew it wouldn't be a plan with rainbows and unicorn stickers. no with katherines reputation its an evil plan. " well my dear Alice how would you like to be stronger and faster?" he smiled at me as I was confused about what he was saying.

"what more magic lessons." I said looking around the room and peter along with his mother started to laugh. "no, no magic lessons." his eyes were cold baring into mine as he hovered his hand over the door of Katherine's tomb and she stepped out. I clenched my jaw ready to throw a fire ball but peter held my hand so I didn't.

"no sweetie he is talking about this." and she slammed me against the wall and held my arms down. I was going to hurt her with my mind but the cuff was on my wrist. I was scared now. peter came up to me and I looked up at him with scared eyes. "now don't hate me this is just to make you stronger." he said. and I just turned my head I had nothing to say to him.

his eyes. something was wrong with them they were just like katherines, all veins. I cant believe I didn't figure this out sooner peter is a vampire, but he is a special one. ive read about them in several books. vampires that can still have powers, they are the most powerful things in all the realms and extremely rare.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when peter bit his wrist and shoved it in my mouth. I was so scared as the liquid went down my throat. Katherine let go of me and I stood there looking at them. peter stared at me worriedly afraid I was going to blow up on everyone. I had no words to be said so I just ran up the tomb stairs.

"not so fast." Katherine said and grabbed my head. I knew what she was going to do, she was going to turn me. "NO NO NO." and then she snapped my neck and everything went black.


She was going to hate me, hook was going to hate me, but most of all I am hating me. But all well I have to dust it off my shoulder I have just unleashed the most darkest thing the realms has ever laid eyes on. she was the one adored by many including me and now nothing will be able to stand in her way not even me.

her hunger will be extreme. I might lose a few lost boys maybe some fairies, if she sees them in their human state. I set her down at the moon pool. ryan looked at her as I was laying her down on the sand, it probably isn't best for alice to be around a mortal right now but all well. "what did you do to her." ryan screamed noticing the blood on her mouth. "she will be fine and all I did was make her stronger." I yelled back louder.

she gasp and her eyes shot open but before she could see me I teleported back to camp.


My throat felt like sand paper and something smelt good like a sugary smell. I looked around, I was back in the moon pool and ryan was looking at me sacred. "are you alright." she asked and I looked at her and laughed. "i feel amazing, I feel like I can do anything right now." I said with a huge smile but then I started to cry "but I don't want to hurt anyone." and my eyes turned had the veins under them just like peters but my eyes turned pitch black.

ryan took a step back. "alice what are you doing." she almost yelled from fear. "im so sorry." and as I was about to rip into her throat peter appeared infront of me. I collapsed onto his shoulder like  I did at dead mans peak and started to sob. but all that sadness turned into anger. "what did you do to me I almost hurt my best friend." I yelled and pounded on his shoulders and fell to the floor.

"alice shh your ok your emotions are all jacked up right now come on love lets help you." he said kneeling down. "your special alice now your even more powerful then me." he said smirking. "but all magic comes with a price so whats the price for this one?" I asked.

"you have to feed on human blood or youll die but after that you can go after the evil mermaids and faries and you will be fine." he said like it was normall. "ok I will do it only because I don't want to die." he smiled. " that's my lost girl." and he placed a gentle kiss on my lips. " but you cant see ryan or Tinkerbelle until you are all better ok." he said jst like I was 6 and afraid of monsters under my bed. but I nodded anyway avoiding argument.

we were walking through the forest when I saw sam, the oldest lost boy. I teleported infront of him eyes black and laced with veins. "wh-what are you doing alice?" he asked and I laughed. "i don't want to do this I really don't but im hungry." I said and then next thing I know he is dead on the floor.

I thought that was it but I was still not satisfied I decided to break peters rule and go to camp. ryker hugged me and I could hear his heart beating the veins returned . "are you ok.?" he asked and I showed him my fangs for a fear factor. "the question is will you be ok."



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