two sides of the story

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we kept the game going for months but today was the day it all ended today was the day rumple was going to tell them all. he was finally going to crack. we are meeting up with him in the forest when we saw the whole gang of grownups. very very unexpected.

"your with them dad!?" I said with shock in my voice but before he could answer the blonde dashing looking man stepped in. "hook this is your daughter? you let her be one of them. what kind of father are you!?" he yelled at my father.

"alice here is the deal I love you very much but you see love is weakness so your staying away from camp for awhile." peter explained with sorrowful eyes. no no no this cant be happening to me. my true love is pushing me away.

"daddy please this hurts right here." I was sobbing pointing to my heart, but only this time it wasn't from a heart that didn't belong to me. it was my heart being broken into a million little bits.

my father ran and hugged me. "like I said alice he is a bloody demon." he exclaimed. while I was till crying on his shoulder rumple showed with henry in his arms. "i prolonged the preservation we just need the heart and while the girl is on the island he magic is so strong pan will not die." he exclaimed.

just like that I froze pan before he had a chance to react. and ripped out henrys heart. I apologized to everyone for the trouble I have caused,kissed my daddy on the cheek, and ran into the woods. since my magic was tied with neverland it was storming. it looked like a hurricane. that would make sense since that was what I was feeling on my inside.


I watched her leave. out of my arms and into the forest. I really didn't care about the heart anymore with her here im immortal but that means nothing if I cant have her. I just cant let her get hurt and most importantly I cant be distracted. the boys have barley got any training time.

as she was running away I could see all of the rainclouds start to form. the magic wore off of me and all of the grownups looked at me. "i hope your happy with what you have done to my daughter pan." killian yelled at me. "oh I am." I forced a smirk but I really wanted to crawl in a corner and die.

all of the grownups were walking away but rumple stopped. "just so you know love is not weakness its strength everything that girl provided you are going to miss." he said and just like that he was gone.

as much as I hate to admit it he is very right I am going to miss everything she provided but something is different the reason why I am sad is because I forgot how powerful she was. she cloaked herself. I cant find her on the island anywhere. I cant sense her. this is awful that means she really is out of my life and I cant just take her back when I am ready.


yes I cloaked myself he cant sense me when I go to camp to get ryan. when I spotted her she was with ryker and a bunch of other lost boys. my blue eyes where red and puffy and I was still sobbing so I knocked everyone out except ryan. she looked around scared and confused.

I popped out of the bushes and she saw the tears. "oh my god alice what happened." she almost yelled. I didn't say anything I just ran up to her and hugged her and cried on her shoulder. I wiped my tears away, forced a smile, and said "come on lets go somewhere without boys."

we walked for a long time until we fell into a hole but im glad we did because it was a cave with a beautiful lagoon. I put another cloaking spell on it so no one could find us.

"can we live here I mean I am but can you too with me?" I asked ryan and she looked at me. "alice of coarse I can and we will show those boys that we are better in so many ways we will make them pay." she said with such fury in her voice. I giggled at her enthusiasm.

I went and picked us some berries and when I got back ryan was in the lagoon swimming. she got out to eat but memories of me and pan came flooding in again. I felt a single tear go down my cheek and ryan noticed. "are you ok ." she asked concern in her voice. "yeah im fine I just need to go shoot my bow and arrow to get my mind off of things." I replied.

"you are still shooting your bow and arrow. I remember in storybrooke that's all you would do." she laughed at the memory. "yeah I will be back in two hours tops." I said smiling and swimming under the lagoon to get to the shore.

I walked down the shore shooting at trees hitting every target. when I felt a presence behind me. I was about to shoot when I saw Tinkerbelle with a smile. "i heard the news and I thought you would need some comforting." she said and gave me a hug. "wow news really travels fast." I said and she giggled a little.

"where are you staying?" she asked and I cloaked her real fast too so no one can see us or here us well  none of the lost boys anyone else can. "i found a really cool cave with a lagoon." I said smiling. "your staying in the moon pool! ive been looking for that place forever do you mind if I stay with you ?" she asked and I accepted I like her.

we walked up and down shore talking about how she is going to be cloaked from now on and she accepted. that's when I saw peter he had an emotionless face all of my being wanted to show myself but I have to stay strong. I walked by him and a tear ran down my face I miss him so much but this isn't forever when he needs me or calls me I will be there. he may not love me any more but I love him.

he was looking down at the sand and I used my magic to poof me and Tinkerbelle back to the moon pool after I kissed pan on the cheek. I wonder if he could feel it.


I could sense he just a little bit she must be right by me. I wanted to cry so badly but I didn't I would put on a strong face for her. I could feel a tingle on my cheek and just like that I had faith that she was here. then her presence was gone and I allowed on tear to fall out.

I will let her know that I love her again but for right now I have to let her go. she will be in my heart but will I be in hers? I think I just set myself up for one big complication.

I don't know what to feel all that I know is that my chest hurts so bad I shouldn't be feeling like this. so I did what I had to do I had to stop feeling. so I dug a hole by my shadows tree in dark hollow and ripped out my heart. it was solid black but there was a section that glowed bright red and I knew that spot belonged to her.

I put the heart in the hole and covered it up. now I can feel just not as much but if I had to tell you this. it still hurt to be  away from her she was everywhere. I would tell you that I still loved her and I know that I will love her no matter what.

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