loss and legacy

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I cant believe I was about to do this. the boyfriend of my best friend and I was going to kill him. I started running towards him when I was so rudely interrupted by pan.

"alice you cant do this"

"why cant I"

"just look at you your out of control"

I cant even take anymore I just sped off with this new vampire speed I was just starting to get the hang of. I could hear him running after me but I was too emotional to care. when pan caught up and was about to say something, something flew after me and into my stomach.

I started gasping for air. It was painful , I couldn't move. I finally had the strength to look down and in my stomach was a medium sized wooden arrow.

with a gasp I slowly pulled it out of my stomach. I looked up thinking pan shot it at me but he turned around. I saw Ryker with the cross bow. "Why would you do that to me." I said with tears in my eyes. "You almost killed me and a vampire killed my parents I won't let another one torment me."

Peter turned slowly towards Ryker with an angry face " Now Im going to let you run and live in the wilderness but if one  of us finds you well your dead." He showed his fangs for the first time.

I don't know if it was my emotions heightening but he looked even sexier that way.

Ryker ran and I started counting to ten. When I got to ten Peter pulled me in and kissed my neck.

"What is this for?" I said holding back a moan. "Just because I love you" by then I got the point.

"Your trying to give your lost boy a chance." I said frowning. "And just to think I was enjoying myself." I said and snapped peters neck. "Sorry love you"  I said and rushed off to find Ryker .

It took a while but I found him he was gathering water. I teleported to him thanking god I still had my powers. I tapped in his shoulder and you could see the terror on his face like a little kid seeing the monster under his bed.

I blew him back with my magic, hand raised to him. "I don't appreciate what you did." I looked at his read and was bleeding from hitting a sharp rock on the river bank.

I got closed to his face and smelled him. "God you smell good special blood type right?" I giggle as my eyes went black and my veins popped out under my eyes.

I looked up as my teeth connected with his neck and I drained every ounce of his blood from his body.

I guess Ryker brought a little friend cause there was Ryan standing there on the floor crying.
"You love him that makes you weak"
"I hate you"
I grabbed her by the neck so hard I thought her hear was going to fall off."you hate me huh well then bye bye to you too." And just like that my bestfriend was gone.

I ran back to camp and saw Peter waking up moving his neck. "Alice I see you have found the lost boy." I looked down but felt no remorse.

""He had a very special blood type but I'm sure you knew that for a long time." I said wiping some of the blood off my mouth but a whole lot remained.

I stuck my blood stained finger on his lips. "Don't you wanna taste what his blood taste like I mean it's on my mouth." I said and giggled.

"Alice I just-" I interrupted him by pulling him into a passionate kiss. I deepened the kiss by grabbing his hair.  He smiled and stiffened a moan.

Our eyes both turned black and with veins as the blood was rushing through our bodies. "Turn it off with me." I said whispering and nibbling on his ear lobe.  "Turn your humanity off"

"So that is what's gotten into you you have no humanity." He chuckled pulling me off of him.

"Is anything wrong with that?" I asked. " oh there is a lot of things wrong with that." He practically yelled.

I got mad and shot a fireball at the ground as dirt rose up. "You see you are powerful and without your humanity your dangerous." He smirked.

"You see I created you so you can help me in battle you were already one of the most powerful beings and now you ARE the most powerful being. " he explained l. "So what does that mean?" I asked. "You need to learn to control your powers."

"Every magic has its price and people will be after you my love you have to live in exile for a little bit."

That sentence switched my humanity back on and it felt like a 50 pound brick just hit me in the stomach.

"That means I won't see you for a long time that means I'll have to live in the tomb with your mother I can't!! I WONT!!" I screamed. "But you must" he finished for me.

"Just don't leave me lonely again." I looked up at him with a single tear rolling down my face.

He ran towards me so our faces were almost touching. "Tonight I will help you remember me in that time." He said and started roughly at my neck.

I made a loud moan and he  covered my mouth. "Now shh love we are still at camp." And with that he threw me on his bed.

He kept changing positions of his mouth it went from my shoulders to my neck and to my jawline. He left live marks and bites everywhere. I was feeling weak in the knees when I heard the words "jump" and I did as my legs were on his hips.

He laid me down and grinded his hips as I kept biting my lip trying not to be loud.

He took off my jeans and left my panties on he placed two fingers on top of my panties where my cilt is and rubbed it softly. I let out I loud moan and he chuckled. "Eager are we?" He said in a mocking tone.

"Oh shut up and stop teasing." I said breathing heavy and my voice hitching. "You see tonight I want to see how much you can take so sorry no sex tonight love but it will be all teasing." He smirked that evil smirk.

He took my shirt off and stared for a moment. Then started sucking on my stomach. I Arched my bag as he placed his fingers back on my panties. He kept pulling on my panties but never removing them and it was getting me frustrated.

"After this I better not be going anywhere" I giggled and he smiled.

" my lovely lost girl leaving me I don't think she is." And just like that everything was right in the world again. But of coarse right when he was going to take my panties off Felix walks in.

" ugh what do you want felix" he said with clenched teeth. " oh sorry but umm it's time ." After Felix said that peters eyes got wide and he looked at me. "Put on something nice we have a meeting to attend to. " and he hurried out

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