Mezmerized by you

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  I woke up with my head on my adorable Peters chest after crying myself to sleep. It was going to take awhile to get over this but hey I got my daddy back.

  Growing up I was definitely a daddy's girl. And all this time I thought he forgot about me.

  I was getting up when I when I felt Peter tug on my arm "where do you think your going" he mumbled in his sexy sleepy voice. "I need to eat." I said giggling

"No you need to stay here your the best cuddler." he replied and I laid back down in defeat.

I turn over to look at him. At this point our noses are touching.

"So what are we doing today." I said smiling. "Nothing" he said in reply I looked at him confused so decided to explain. " just me and you all day."

" we got to do something I'm bored." I said sighing when I suddenly had an idea.

"Let's sword fight I think I still remember." I must admit I was excited.

Peter got up and walked outside to the weaponry so I'm guessing that's a yes.

He threw me a sword and smirked " now I'm not going to go easy on you so let's see what you got."

I was laughing on the inside and I'm thinking to myself is he really underestimating me of all people the daughter of Captain Hook.

"Let's see what you've got pretty boy" I challenged him as he swung his sword at me. I very easily doged all of his hits and now it was my turn.

Our swords clashed for what seemed like forever and we were starting to draw a crowd of lost boys.

I could here a bunch of them whispering about me, a girl of all people might actually defeat Peter at his own game.

Or as so I thought.

My foot faltered and I tripped over my own feet. Peter smirked and had his sword to my neck. " I win" he said and I smiled. " not today." I slung my leg under his and he fell too.

I took the opportunity to pin him down with my waist straddling him and sword to his neck.

" you still don't fail to surprise me. " he said as I let him get up.

As he got up he pinned me to a tree with his sword to my neck. " but you already know that." He whispered in my ear yet again sending shivers. He laughed "am I making you nervous, love." I just looked down at the sword that was too my neck.

" umm Peter "

" yea"

"You can put the thing that can kill me away now." I said sort of raising my voice he looked at it and put it away.

I climbed up to the tree house/tent what ever it is and stood on the balcony .

Everyone's attention was on me and people started to get quiet. By the way I was dressed I earned a few whistles here and there and Peter just glared at them. You see I was wearing a crop top and with me being the only girl that's going to happen.

"Okay listen up everyone you all may be thinking she is a girl can't do anything well you see I'm a special girl." With that being said I made a fireball in my hand.

A lot of their jaws dropped which I don't see why they all know I have magic. But I still continue .

" we'll let me just show you how special I am." After I said that I turned around. " someone throw a knife at my back" I yelled. Peter was definitely concerned I could tell by his tone.

" what no no one is throwing a knife at her back!" He commanded and I smirked like I was him. "Good so you can be the one to throw it " I said and he shook his head viciously no.

With that I turned around and he sighed in defeat. I took a deep breath so I could sense everything around me. I could feel something breaking the balance and I whipped my head around and caught the knife before it can do any damage.

"Lilah thinking tree now!!! " Peter said with anger in his voice. I looked down at the ground with tears brimming my eyes. I knew he was going to yell at me and I can't stand to be yelled at.

The whole walk there was silent and finally we had reached our destination.

" are you mad at me." I said wiping a tear off my cheek.

He looked at me with sympathetic eyes and cupped my cheek " of coarse not Lilah I am amazed by you. I am impressed I love you that tone in my voice earlier was because I was scared Lilah I'm mesmerized by you I love you." He said with such heartfelt words.

This time I was crying happy tears. "I love you too Peter so much." And I pulled him into a tight hug.

After a few seconds we heard clapping in the background and I spun around and drew my sword. " hey I'm just glad my daughter found love and I saw that sword fight back there impressive" my father said as I put my sword back in my belt.

"You scared me daddy." I said with I sigh of relief. "I'm sorry I'm going to leave you two alone now ." He said and backed away chuckling.

As me and Peter walked back to camp just walking about sweet nothings. Just little things about us and me laughing like an idiot. He broke into all seriousness and jumped in front of me.

I laughed even more by the look he was giving me it was so serious, " what are you doing." I said he looked straight into my eyes and leaned to whisper in my ear. "I'm looking at my mesmerization." I pulled his face to look at me again and I kissed him with all passion.


Ok guys I'm sorry for not updating I just thought Kayla was going to update but she didn't and yea but um I would like to give a shout out to my favorite author here on wattpad I really think you should follow her and read her books IndigoSpell3  you are so amazing thank you for everything

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