~ Chapter 30 ~

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"This is absolutely ridiculous!" 

Felicity was laughing, really laughing, at the amount of technology that Barry had in one single room. She knew that he had teammates, ergo Caitlin and Cisco and Dr. Wells, but she couldn't believe the amount of tech power in just this room.

"I mean," she said while continuing to laugh, "do you really need all of this?" And, then she actually snorted.


Barry was just smiling at her and shaking his head when he answered her, "I mean, maybe, we overdid it a bit, but hey! We use most of it!"

"Mhm." She nodded while trying to hold in more laughter.

Felicity was practically kneeling over when Cisco and Caitlin entered the room.

"Do I even wanna know?" Cisco asked, gesturing to Felicity's current state.

Barry just shook his head while Felicity began to compose herself. 

"Sorry, I'm good now." Felicity coughed right as Dr. Wells rolled himself in. 

"Why, Miss Smoak... A pleasure." He nodded at her while continuing to roll over to one of the computers. 

"Barry, we have a situation. Downtown. Robbery. Go." Dr. Wells said, and in an instant, a flash, Barry was gone.

"Hmm. Quick and to the point. I like it." Felicity said as she walked over to the monitors to keep track of Barry's movements with the rest of the team.

"Efficiency is the goal, Miss Smoak." Mr. Wells said, looking at Felicity with a tight smile. 

Felicity merely nodded, smiling back, and redirected her attention back to the computers. 

"Do we have access to the security cams in the bank?" Felicity asked, making Cisco raise his eyebrows at her.

"Of course we do. Give me a sec." He starting typing in codes directly into the computer, but Felicity knew that most banks had upgraded their systems by now, and the codes Cisco were putting in would take a least five minutes more than normal to hack into the feeds.

"Those codes are outdated." Felicity pointed out, nodding to the keyboard Cisco was currently using. 

"Wh--what? Nah, I use them all the time." Cisco laughed, nervously.

"Yeah, I figured. I mean, they're still going to work and all. But, I can get you in the feed in twenty seconds. Maybe less." Felicity smiled.

"Ha! I doubt that!" Cisco laughed, now completely backing away from the monitor.

"So does that mean you don't mind me taking a crack at it?" She raised her eyebrow at him.

"Go for it." 

She laughed, shaking her head at Cisco. She seated herself in the chair and got herself comfortable. She looked at Caitlin before starting.

"Make sure you time this."

Caitlin laughed, "Oh, I am already on it."

Felicity smirked at Cisco before turning around to face the monitors. She nodded at Caitlin to start the time and as soon as she saw her press that button, she started doing what she was trained to do. The new codes came naturally to her fingers, and her eyes professionally scanned everything before she surpassed the firewalls and grainy black and white feed was showing on the monitors.

"Done." Felicity laughed, turning around to face a shocked Cisco and a laughing Caitlin.

"Twelve seconds."

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