~ Chapter 6 ~

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Oliver froze in his spot. He didn't move, he didn't speak, but he just ran. He turned around and ran as fast as he could. Tommy could have seen him, but Oliver didn't give him a chance to ask about it.

"Who are you!?" Tommy yelled after him, but he didn't stop running.

Maybe Tommy could just think he's hallucinating.

Or Oliver was just delusional for thinking he could visit a public grave without getting caught.

Either way, Oliver ran.

When he made it to the foundry, he was able to breathe again. His birthday had just gone from bad to worse. He knew that Tommy had seen him. He looked straight at him.

Straight at him.

"Ugh!" He groaned, jumping on the salmon ladder.

He had to get his mind off of everything, and working out wasn't doing it. He jumped off the ladder, and suited up. He didn't care that it was broad daylight. He needed to let off steam, and taking it all out on a crap one percenter would be perfect. He didn't know who he was going to take out, but he knew that it needed to be someone.

He grabbed his bow and arrows, and began to head out, using the alternate entrance.

He hopped on his motorcycle, and just drove. He could take out anyone that he so pleased, but with all the anger that he had in him, he didn't know if it would be the wisest decision to do anything. He might end up killing someone all because he was angry.

And, that didn't make him any better than the corrupt one-percenters that he was trying to stop.

He drove back to the foundry, and decided that it was for the best that he just sit and wait out his anger... that time to cool off would be the best for him.

He entered the foundry to see Tommy there, waiting.

"You." Tommy glared, looking at Oliver in his mask and hooded suit.

"Why were you at the cemetary? Who are you?" Tommy yelled at him.

"No one important." Oliver answered him in his disguised voice.

"Why were you at the cemetary of my best friend?" He asked again, more threatening.

"Unfinished business." Oliver responded.

Tommy just stared at him.

"Do you have any idea how unhuman you sound?" Tommy asked.

"Better that way." Oliver muttered in response, turning away from Tommy.

"Oliver used to say that." Tommy muttered to himself, but then just stared back at the vigilante.

"Oliver... Is that really you? I thought I was hallucinating, but... Maybe I really saw you." Tommy said, walking towards the man in the green hood.

"Oliver's dead." Oliver growled to Tommy.

"I don't believe you!" Tommy yelled, racing towards him and trying to yank off the hood.

"What are you doing!?" He growled, trying to turn away, but Tommy had managed to yank off his hood as he turned away from Tommy.

"Oliver?" He whispered, not really believing that it was him.

Oliver just got angry.

"What the hell, man?" He grumbled at Tommy, still not facing him.

"It's you. It's really you." Tommy mumbled.

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