~ Chapter 25 ~

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Felicity stared at him, tears streaming down her face, wishing that he would just open those eyes. Those beautiful blue eyes.

He had been asleep for three days now. Three agonizing days.

And, the fact that the media was blowing up with the fact that Oliver Queen was alive wasn't helping at all. She couldn't go out in public without some kind of reporter or cameraman trying to stop her to ask questions about his "resurrection." And, when they asked her that, she wanted to cry. Because she didn't know how he was, truly.

The doctor said that he was fine and that he just needed his rest, but he's had two days of rest. That should have been enough, right? She just wanted to look into his beautiful eyes, those eyes that she loved.

She quietly got up from the chair that as next to Oliver's bed, leaving Diggle in there with him. She slowly made her way to the waiting room that was next to where Oliver's room was. The doctors had allowed them to stay in their own private waiting room since the whole family was here.

Felicity saw Thea sitting off to herself, and she went over to sit next to her.

"Hey." Thea whispered, letting Felicity lean her head on her shoulder.

"I know this is a lot to take in, but he's going to be fine. He's alive, he's really alive. He's going to be okay." Thea soothed, rubbing her back in the process.

Felicity cried more at that, knowing that she was lying to Thea. She was lying to everyone... They all thought that she had just found out about Oliver when they did.

It was absolutely horrible.

And, on top of all this... Moira and Thea are seeing people now. It was as if Felicity didn't even know what was going on in their lives anymore. Ever since she had found out about Oliver, she had completely shut the Queen family out, and they had moved on with their lives. They've moved on without her.

Moira was with Walter, now. Which at first was a little strange, yes, but Walter got her out of the house, and now she is working again.

Thea found a young guy named Roy. Their relationship started due to his misdemeanors, which was also a little strange, but they were cute nonetheless. And, they kept each other in check. Which was always a good thing.

"What are you thinking about?" Thea asked, bringing Felicity away from her thoughts.

"Just that I barely talk to you guys anymore... And, I'm sorry for getting so work-involved. I was just trying to keep busy, and-"

"You don't need to apologize, Felicity. We all were trying to move on from everything. And, we all did in a way... But, it's funny that the very thing that tore us apart in the first place is bringing us back together again." Thea smiled, looking down at Felicity.

Felicity just nodded, smiling at Thea. It was nice to be here with her and the Queens again. It was nice to feel that sense of family that they had always given her in the past.

"Oh, my lovely girls."

Felicity looked up from leaning on Thea's shoulder to see Moira and Walter stride towards them. Felicity smiled, and got up to hug her.

"Oh, it is so good to see you." Moira sighed, hugging Felicity tight.

"I've missed all of you so much." Felicity sighed as well, letting herself feel at home in Moira's arms.

Moira leaned back from the hug to get a good look at Felicity's face.

"How are you?" She asked, giving Felicity a look of sympathy.

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