~ Chapter 24 ~

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"So you're getting married?" Oliver laughed, still pretty surprised that Diggle was getting married.

"And, I'm going to be a father. Crazy, right?" Diggle laughed too, shaking his head.

"It's not that crazy." Oliver said, allowing the air between them to once again be serious.

They had been sitting in the foundry trying to figure out any more clues that they could while Felicity was at the station. But, their endless searches resulted in absolutely nothing, so they just decided to talk instead.

"You know that you could be happy too, Oliver. You just gotta get your head outta your ass." Diggle said, arching his eyebrows at him.

"I just want her to be happy, Diggle." Oliver sighed, ignoring Diggle's comment.

"If that were true, you'd be with her, man." Diggle smiled, patting him on the back, and walking away from him towards the computers.

"I don't want her getting hurt. If she's with me, I'm risking her life. And, is that really worth it?" Oliver asked, turning around to look at him.

"Are you asking me if your happiness and her happiness are worth the risk?" Diggle asked, cocking his eyebrow.

Oliver didn't reply, but he just continued to stare at him, waiting for an answer.

"I think anything worth value has risk involved, and sometimes you just have to go out there and put all of yourself on the line. You love her, and she obviously still loves you. Just at least try. If it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out... But, it won't be for lack of trying." Diggle shrugged.

Oliver just nodded, and contemplated all of it. What was the harm in trying? Especially after he cleared his name when they found out who this copycat archer is. If he could do that, maybe he could show the city that he isn't the bad guy, and maybe the danger that he would normally face wouldn't be as high...

And, maybe... just maybe, that meant that he could try again with Felicity.

He smiled at the thought, and as he was smiling, he heard an audible gasp come from across the room.

"Is that Oliver Queen smiling? I must be imagining..."

Oliver turned to see Felicity standing there with her hand on her hip just smirking at him. And, of course that made him smile more.

"It's a miracle." Diggle chuckled, looking at Felicity.

Felicity giggled at that, and smiled even brighter.

"Well, don't stop smiling just yet... Because I have good news."

Oliver cocked his eyebrow at her, waiting for her to further detail what she meant by good news. She was smiling as she walked over to him, and reached into her bag. When she was standing right in front of him, she pulled out a black arrow.

Oliver's eyes widened as he looked at it.

"Is that...?"

"Yepp. Detective Lance gave it to me to track." She smiled, handing him the arrow.

"Why would he leave his arrow at the scene of a crime?" Diggle asked, shaking his head at the arrow that Oliver was holding.

"It was inside the body." Felicity said, scrunching her nose up at that.

"No fingerprints?" Diggle asked.

"Nope. He's a trained archer. He's going to protect himself. But there's gotta be something we can do..." Oliver hummed, thinking about what they could do.

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