~Chapter 2~

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I am seriously in awe by the number of reads. Like, I'm shaking. You guys are the best, and I love you all so much. So, here's a present. Another chapter done! Enjoy :)

Felicity looked in the mirror once more, just double checking to see if she looked okay for her first day at work. She couldn't believe that she was working for Ray as his VP, but she knew that she had to move on sometime.

Her life couldn't just stop because of what happened.

She smiled at herself in the mirror, and brushed over her skirt, and fixed her blouse. She looked fine... Why didn't she feel fine? Why didn't she feel right?

She took deep breaths in and out and said to herself, "Felicity Smoak, you can do this. You can do this."

When she had finally convinced herself that this what what she needed, she grabbed her purse, and her phone and walked out. This was going to be the start of a new beginning. She was walking to her car when she looked at her phone and noticed the wallpaper.

It was of her and Oliver. And, she still remembered that day. She still remembers every day that she had with him...

Felicity had insisted that they take a picture together. Of course, Oliver wasn't having any of it.

"Fe-li-ci-ty. I don't want to take a picture." He scowled.

"Oh, come on! You just officially asked me to be with you, like to be together-together. It's a big deal, Oliver. You don't just admit your feelings easily, and I want to remember this moment, and-" Felicity babbled, but he shut up her up by pecking her on the lips.

"Okay, okay. You win." He whispered against her lips.

She pulled away, smiling, pulling her phone out to take their first picture together, but he snatched the phone away from her before she had the chance.

"Hey, you said that we could take a-" Felicity argued, but he interrupted her.

"Smile, Felicity." He said, taking charge and taking the picture.

She didn't argue, but smiled instead, and when he had taken it, and had given the phone back to her for her to check if it was a good enough picture, she smiled the biggest smile she had in a while, and Oliver noticed.

"Aw, we look so happy... You look so happy." She smiled, looking at Oliver.

"Well, you make me happy, Felicity." He whispered, leaning down to kiss her once more.

She melted under his touch, letting herself fall victim to it. The way that he kissed her, so gentle, as if she was the most fragile thing, yet he did it with so much passion, it blew her mind. And, as soon as he pulled away from the gentle kiss, she just thought to herself...

For the first time in a while, she was happy.

She was so beyond happy that he had finally told her that he could be with her, that he wanted her. It was so heartwarming to her that he felt the same way. She had felt this way for so long, she didn't know it was possible that someone could love someone else so much, but she did. She loved him, and even though she couldn't tell him yet because she didn't want to jump all in just yet, she loved him.

With everything she had in her.

And, every single day that she spent with him, she fell in love with him even more.

"Where are you?" He asked, grabbing her chin, and making her look into his sea-blue eyes, the eyes that could delve into her soul.

"Thinking about you. About us." She blushed, looking back into his eyes.

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