~ Chapter 10 ~

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Oliver wanted to punch the bastard's smug little face in.

The moment he saw Felicity dressed in the stunning dress, he knew that something was up. But, he was hoping and praying that it wasn't what he thought.

And, her mom was home... Which was strange to him seeing as how when they were together, her mom was never really in the picture. She just asked for money occasionally, said happy birthday, and that was that.

But, that wasn't what he was worried about. It was the fact that she was absolutely stunning, and not like "club stunning" but "date stunning." He just prayed that isn't wasn't a date, but he didn't want to dwell on the what if's... So, he followed her... and saw her greet him at the door of the very fancy restaurant. A very date-like restaurant.

Ray Palmer.

Were they on a date? Were they together?

He didn't want to think about it, let alone see it... But, he couldn't take his eyes off of her. Or the situation. He was drawn to it, like he had to know what would happen.

It just didn't feel right. Seeing her with someone else. Even though, he knew it wasn't wrong of her, and he knew that she was going to have to move on from him someday... He just didn't want it to be today.

It still felt too soon.

He was completely and utterly jealous. And, he hated it. He didn't have a right to feel this way... He was technically dead to her. She should be able to do whatever made her happy. She deserved that happiness.

She deserved everything.

He had just stared at her. He couldn't take his eyes off of her. He had gone out to take out a man as the vigilante, but ended up staring at Felicity from afar as soon as he saw her step out of her car.

She was just so beautiful.

His heart felt so happy to see her, like he had never left, like she was still his.... But, at the same time, his heart was so broken to see her so happy, so alive, and that he wasn't the cause of her happiness.

He lowered his head, feeling the weight of his pain on him again. It almost felt as bad as the island... but the pain wasn't physical in this case. It was all coming from his heart.

Oliver got up from his position and made his way to his motorcycle, looking back over his shoulder one last time to see Ray hug Felicity. His Felicity.

But, he had to remember that she wasn't his anymore. He died. She was allowed to go on dates.

He just hated having to watch.

So, he turned back around and sighed... Walking toward his motorcycle, and slowly getting on. He put the helmet over his head, and started the engine. He revved it, and skid away.

The whole way back to the foundry, he couldn't help but to think about her. And the first time he saw her.

It was late at night, and Oliver had been in the office snooping around his father's things. He was young, dumb, and just wanted to find out what his father had been keeping from him.

Damn, he needed a haircut.


Was his father having an affair? Something worse than that?

Oliver just had to know. Because he was immature, and wanted to have something over his father.

And, that's when he heard footsteps, and panicked. He quickly got out of the office and hid in the corner of the hallway. That was when he saw a not unattractive blonde walking down the hall and into his father's office.

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