~ Chapter 12 ~

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"Are you ready for this?" Oliver whispered to Diggle and Tommy.

They were all sitting outside the building that was supposedly where Felicity and her mother were being held captive.

Tommy looked like he was about to puke.

"I don't know, man. This is crazy scary... I don't like it. Not one bit." Tommy shook his head, and crossing his arms... looking away from Oliver.

"You're just going to be the look out. Literally, all you have to do is sit here." Oliver sighed, trying to calm down his friend, who seriously looked like he was going to barf up his lunch.

Diggle just chuckled to himself.

"What are you laughing at? You think this is funny? Yes, I'm scared. Sorry, I don't know how to be a vigilante or a soldier. I'm not experienced like you guys. The only thing I'm experienced in is girls and clubs. None of which is useful at this moment in time." Tommy glared at Diggle.

"No need to get all defensive, Tommy." Oliver patted Tommy's shoulder, and went back to looking through his binoculars at the sight.

"What do you see, man?" Diggle asked, completely ignoring Tommy's heavy breathing.

If the dude was gonna freak out, he was gonna freak out. Simple as that. He'd get over it soon.

"Armed guards everywhere. Looks like three or four marking every entrance and exit." Oliver searched the area more.

"Three guys with guns at every spot? Oh, good Lord." Tommy groaned.

"Shh. You're distracting me with your nonsense." Oliver responded.

"So, how many guys total, do you think? Rough estimate?" Diggle asked.

Oliver examined every inch of the property once more, steadily counting in his head, and then he put down the binoculars and looked at Diggle.

"Roughly about 40ish men. Give or take." Oliver shrugged, as if it was no big deal.

"Forty!? Oh, just take me now, Jesus!" Tommy semi-yelled, throwing his hands up in the air.

"SHH!" Both Oliver and Diggle glared at Tommy, and Tommy just shrunk back in his seat of the car.

Oliver shook his head at Tommy, unable to keep a sly grin off his face. Diggle was having trouble holding back his laughter as well, but got his gun ready, and cocked it.

"You ready?" Diggle asked, looking at Oliver.

"We need to wait a little more, until more men go inside. We've been watching them since yesterday. Their pattern is simple. At 5:40 every night, they switch positions. That's the best time." Oliver nodded at the men holding the guns outside the entry levels.

"It's 5:35 right now." Diggle muttered, looking at his watch.

"Great, so we have five minutes until our deaths. Got it." Tommy nodded.

Oliver just glared at him, but smiled nonetheless. Tommy never failed to make him smile, even on nights like these.

Diggle started getting out of the car, and Oliver followed, but Tommy stayed put in the car. Oliver leaned down to the window and looked at Tommy.

"You staying here to do lookout?" Oliver cocked his eyebrow.

"Yep. Right here. Not moving. Nope." Tommy muttered.

"Alright, man. We'll be right back." Oliver laughed, shaking his head at Tommy.

"You better, because I'm not coming in after you guys to save your asses." Tommy smiled.

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