~ Chapter 8 ~

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"Diggle! I can't find the coffee mugs!" Felicity yelled.

She didn't hear any response from either Diggle or Lyla, which made her groan... very loudly.

"John! I need coffee to live! Hello!?" She yelled, opening up every shelf, looking through everything, in search for coffee cups.

"It is seven in the morning. Why the hell are you up right now?" Diggle groaned, entering the kitchen.

"Um, I have a job that requires punctuality." She rolled her eyes, watching John reach for the top cabinet above the refrigerator.

Of course it's in the one cabinet she can't reach.

"Regular mug or travel?" He asked.

"Travel would be better." She sighed.

He grabbed one and handed it to her.

"May I go back to bed now?" He asked.

"Sure thing, Mr. Grumps A Lot." She replied as she filled up her coffee mug.

He just grunted in response, and went back to the bedroom. She got her purse together and everything, grabbed her coffee, and went out the door.

She sort of lied to John, which made her feel a little guilty, but she knew that he would never approve of what she was doing... Especially since she was just drugged. But, she knew in her heart that this was right.

When she had gotten a call yesterday, it had been from Lance asking her to meet him about the vigilante. He wanted answers, and she was prepared to search for them. Unfortunately, their meeting had been postponed until today, so she had to sneak out a little early to meet him before work.

She got in her car quickly, and drove to the precinct. Once she had arrived, she went to meet Detective Lance.

"Miss Smoak, hello." Detective Lance smiled, and reached out to shake her hand.

"You called, I came." She responded, smiling.

"Of course. Straight to business, then. So, all we know is that the hood guy likes to make one percenters pay for their crimes, and then he gives back to the people that these crooked rich folk stole from. But, then he saves Tommy Merlyn. Which doesn't really fit his MO. And, then he goes right back to what he was doing before." Lance explains.

"Well, unfortunately Tommy fits the one percenters profile... But, the fact that he saved him doesn't quite add up." Felicity murmured.

"Yeah... And according to Merlyn, he has no idea who the guy is or why he saved him." Lance shrugged.

"Hmm. Well, I can surely look into it further, Detective." Felicity nodded.

"Thank you, Miss Smoak. I'll call you with any further details."

"Sounds great." She smiled, shaking his hand one last time before leaving.

She questioned herself whether or not to tell Detective Lance about the drugging that had occurred as she was leaving. But, because there was no concrete evidence that suggested she was actually drugged, she decided to keep it to herself. She walked out without uttering a word about it, and got into her car to go to work.

But, before she got into her car, she felt eyes on her, and turned around to see it was once again her imagination. Though this time, she didn't get the good vibes that she had gotten last time. It wasn't a guardian angel feeling at all. She quickly got into her car and drove to work, not having a good feeling about being alone in the streets anymore.

This whole drugging incident had gone to her head.

When, in reality, it was probably just some college guy trying to roofie her and get her in bed.

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