~ Chapter 11 ~

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Felicity jolted awake, forgetting where she was for a split second. And, then she felt the bounds on her wrists and ankles, and suddenly remembered everything about the night before.

She had had a wonderful night with Ray and the investors, and then come home to be beaten across the head, and taken into captivaty, along with her mother.

She instantly began looking for her mother, searching around the darkened room to see her mother in the same bind as her. She looked like she had been crying, and she looked so weak, like she had given up hope that things would turn out okay. Her mom looked up at her, and weakly smiled at Felicity. Felicity smiled back, or at least tried to... Her face was bruised from when the person that had taken her hostage had hit her across the face hard.

She cringed at how much pain she was in, but then quickly examined her mother from a distance, trying to see if they had hit her as well. Felicity didn't mind if they beat up on her... That's what she gets for getting involved with the vigilante stuff. But, if they hit her mother, that's a different story... And, they wouldn't like the Felicity that she had become if they hurt her mother.

That reminded her.

She was in this situation all because of this vigilante business. Which really didn't make any sense, because she didn't really figure anything out about him. All she knew was what everyone else knew. She wanted to know why she was here.

Right now.

"Hello!?" She yelled, still cringing from the pain.

Her mother just looked at her wide-eyed, but she didn't care. She continued yelling at her captors.

"Hello!? Is anyone here!? Answer me, you cowards!" She yelled, again... trying to get their attention, whoever they were.

She heard footsteps nearing her, and she quickly breathed in and out. She had to act brave. She had to do it for herself, and her mother, and for getting out of here. The more she figured out about why she was really here, the more chance she would have at getting out of this situation.

"Blondie, I'm gonna need you not to yell at me." A disguised voice spoke, drawing near her.

She finally saw who it belonged to. It wasn't anyone she recognized, but the man was dressed in a mask and hood, but it was obvious that it was a man due to his build.

"What do you want from me?" Felicity sneered at the man, trying to keep her voice raised and her fake confidence high.

"Right now, I want you to shut up." He growled at her, drawing nearer and nearer to her face.

Now, he was right in front of her, and she could see the monstrous gray eyes glaring back at her. She stopped breathing for a second, afraid that if she breathed again, he might hear the fear that was dying to show. Thankfully, he didn't see it, but instead just backed away from her.

"I'll stop yelling if you answer my question." Felicity responded, glaring at him.

"If I answer your question? Sweetheart, I think that you may have forgotten who is in charge here." He laughed with no humor whatsoever.

Then, he walked over to Donna, and she began to whimper. Felicity started to tense up, getting madder and madder by the second. The masked man came behind her mother and pulled out a gun, cocked it, causing Donna to shudder, and brought it to the side of her mother's head.

"No!" Felicity screamed, trying to keep tears in.

"Haha! Yes, Felicity! You see, you keep running that pretty little mouth of yours, and your mommy here... Well, she'll get hurt." He sneered, taunting her by rubbing the gun across Donna's face.

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