~ Chapter 28 ~

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"Oh, no! You can not just run up in here with your super speedy senses and not give me any explanation whatsoever other than, 'I told you something's going on with me'." Felicity babbled, throwing her hands up in the air after doing a not so wonderful impersonation of Barry.

"First off, that is not what I sound like. And, second... I don't know much more than you do!" Barry exclaimed at her.

Felicity didn't know what to say. She especially didn't feel like arguing. So, she just clamped her mouth shut and looked at him.

"Felicity... You know that I would never intentionally keep anything from you." Barry exhaled, walking towards her.

Felicity still couldn't believe what had just occurred. She was still trying to wrap it all around her head, but she just couldn't do it. None of this logically made sense. She unintentionally stepped back and away from Barry.

Barry instantly stilled.

"Wait, that isn't--that isn't what I meant, Barry. It's just that--that none of this makes sense. At least not to me... You know how my brain works." Felicity shook her head.

"I know. I know you didn't." Barry sighed.

"So, what are we going to do?" Felicity sighed as well, sitting down in her computer chair.

"Well, S.T.A.R. Labs is running test after test. But, it was the Particle Accelerator. We know that much for sure." Barry answered.

"So when it exploded, something happened that made you like this." Felicity said, trying to possibly mold the pieces together.

"Yep. Some kind of speed freak. We're calling everyone that's been affected by this metahumans." Barry laughed.

"Wait... There's more of you?" Felicity cocked an eyebrow.

"Well, we haven't located a lot just yet. But, yeah. There's definitely more out there that's been affected by the blast." Barry said, lifting himself up to sit on the table.

"Who knew that we actually lived in a comic book universe?" Felicity wondered aloud, smiling.

"Cisco would love that." Barry laughed.

Felicity just laughed, shaking her head at Barry.

"So, where's Oliver?"

"Uhh. He's--he's--"

"Felicity! What's going on?"

Both Felicity and Barry turned around to see Oliver and Diggle striding in. Unfortunately for Oliver, he was still dressed in the Arrow suit, and Barry was there to witness all of it. Felicity quickly put her face in her hands and turned away, choosing not to see Oliver's face glow with anger at her.

"You're--you're--" Barry stuttered, not knowing how to take such big news.

"Care to explain, Felicity?" Oliver growled, choosing not to answer Barry.

Felicity shyly looked up at Oliver from her hands to see him glaring at her. She cowered away at the sight instead of answering. He was mad. Really mad.

"It's not Felicity's fault, Oliver. I just wanted to see her, and I ran here without even asking--"

"You what?" Oliver barked, taking his eyes off Felicity to look at Barry.

"I, uh--I ran here. Long story." Barry rolled his eyes before looking at Felicity to check if she was okay.

Felicity slightly shook her head at Barry, telling him not to worry.

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