~ Chapter 5 ~

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Felicity had just woken up when she had looked out the window to see Diggle's car just sitting outside. She sighed, knowing why he was here, and reluctantly went outside with a cup of hot chocolate that she had made him, just in case he was staying for a while.

"Dig, what are you doing here?" Felicity asked, getting inside of his car with him.

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Diggle said, knowing what today was.

Felicity just sucked in tears, knowing that today was difficult, and even though she was trying to move on, when days like today came up, it was just hard not to be sad.

"It's only been three years, but I do remember how much it hurt when he left. It still hurts, every day, and today is just going to be another day of hurt. But, I'm trying to be better. I am. Today's just harder than most." Felicity smiled painfully.

"Well, I'm here if you need me, especially today." Diggle said, putting his hand over hers.

"Thanks, John." Felicity smiled.

"Now, go get ready for work. I'm driving you today." Diggle said, pushing her out of the car gently while laughing.

"Okay, fine!" Felicity laughed, knowing that she couldn't argue with him.

So, she went back inside, put the hot cocoa in the sink, and went to get ready. She hurried, not really caring about her appearance that much, throwing her hair in a ponytail, and applying light make-up, and dressed herself quickly. She then walked outside to let Diggle drive her to work.

Once Felicity was in her office, and was trying to finish this huge workload that Ray had just given her, she got a text from Diggle.

Turn on the news. Your new friend is headlining.

Felicity laughed at his wording, but turned on the news nonethless. It had been a couple days since she had last seen the vigilante, but it turns out he wasn't the killer everyone saw him as.. According to the news, he was this man that saved Tommy Merlyn from kidnappers, and forced one percenters to pay back stolen money to the people that deserved it.

"Over the past fifteen years, Mr. Redmond has withdrawn more than 30 million dollars from the plant's account. Mr. Redmond claims that refunding the Housian Pension Plan has always been his intent... but, sources say that Redmond was coerced by the vigilante."

Felicity was thoroughly impressed that the vigilante had made this much of a difference in a week or so, honestly. Who knew a man in a mask and green hood could help the city so much?

She turned off her tablet, and put it back in her drawer, still somewhat despising watching the news because of what happened three years ago... When she found out that Oliver was missing. It was just a piece of herself that she would never get back. But, she missed it so much.

She pulled back out her tablet, and looked back at the article that broke her heart.

"Queen's Gambit Lost in North China Sea"

She was so lost in the memory of that day that she didn't even notice that Thea had been standing at her office door, and had come in.

"What are you doing?"

Felicity jumped, looking up to see Thea looking down at her.

"Nothing, nothing... Working, just working." Felicty stuttered, putting down her tablet and giving her full attention to Thea.

"You were looking back at stuff about Oliver, weren't you?" She asked, coming nearer to her desk, and snatching her tablet off the desk before Felicity could hide it.

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