~ Chapter 4 ~

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"A man in a green hood?" Detective Lance asked, just to make sure he heard right.

"Yes! He came out of nowhere and just attacked me!" Adam Hunt yelled at the detective.

"Well, that's new." Detective Lance muttered to himself, before looking back at Hunt, who had just barged into the precinct.

"Yeah, well your men need to get on it! Men in green hoods shouldn't mess with men like me!" He growled at Lance before stalking out of the building.

"Was that Adam Hunt?"

Detective Lance turned around to see his daughter, Laurel, standing at his desk.

"Yes, it was." Lance sighed, almost exhausted from having to deal with Hunt.

"What did he want?" Laurel asked.

"He claims some man in a green hood shot arrows at him." Lance kept back a sarcastic laugh.

"I knew the man was bad, but I didn't know he was a lunatic." Laurel responded back, actually laughing at the comment of man in a green hood attacking people in the city.

"Well, I won't believe it until I see it." Lance shot back, laughing too, and returning to his work.

Laurel laughed too, until she saw a certain blonde walk into the precinct. And, then it all stopped, and just turned into somewhat of a glare.

Felicity knew that Laurel didn't like her, but it still surprised her how much Laurel resented her. She had only come up to the precinct to help Detective Lance with something. It was nothing more than that, and she certainly hadn't expected Laurel to be here.

"Ahh, Miss Smoak. Right on time." Detective Lance said, looking at Felicity.

"You needed my help with something?" She asked, trying her best to not look at Laurel as she spoke.

"You asked her for help?" Laurel asked, astounded.

Felicity just plainly ignored it, still looking at the Detectlve.

"Laurel, can you give us a seond?" Detective Lance sweetly smiled at his daughter, and she just rolled her eyes and walked away fuming.

"Sorry about that. She can be a little, ya know, like that." Lance nervously chuckled to Felicity as soon as Laurel walked away.

"It's fine, really." Felicity replied, a little too quickly.

"Yeah.." Lance muttered awkwardly.

"So, you needed me?" Felicity changed the subject, quickly.

"Oh, yeah! Have you heard about this hooded vigilante?" Detective Lance asked her, handing her a picture that Hunt had the sketch artist draw up.

Felicity just studied it, confused why he had brought her all the way up here to talk about some crazy hooded guy running around.

"Um, no.. Why?" Felicity asked, confused.

"I was going to have you try and dig up whatever you could find on this guy. I just want to make sure Hunt isn't lying about this." Lance answered, taking the drawing back from Felicity and studying it himself.

"Um, not to sound rude or anything, but don't you have guys here that can do that for you?" Felicity asked.

"Well, yes... But we don't have anyone here as good as you." Lance replied, smiling.

Felicity just kind of stood there, not knowing how to take the compliment, really. It wasn't like Detective Lance to tell her these kind of things. But, it was truly nice to hear.

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