~ Chapter 17 ~

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"Your computers are ancient!" Felicity sighed, exasperated.

"They're from three years ago, Felicity. That's barely ancient." Oliver rolled his eyes.

"Well, we're replacing them. Today." Felicity crossed her arms, and looked back at Oliver.

"Fine. Fine. Don't see the point though, but fine." Oliver sighed, looking back at her.

"The point is that we're on a time crunch, and I don't have time to wait for this computer to load!" Felicity yelled, not really meaning to, but she was just so tired.

"Felicity..." Oliver sighed, trying to take hold of her hand, or at least get her attention, but she pulled away.

He knew that this was more than just about silly computers. He knew this was about all the anger she was holding in from hearing about her friend in a coma, and hearing Oliver say that they couldn't be together.

"No, Oliver. Don't." Felicity flinched from his touch, not wanting to feel that all too familiar sensation that she got when their skin brushed against each other's.

Oliver didn't show how hurt he was by what she did, but instead just recovered by bringing his hand back to his side, and sadly smiling.

"I'll go get new stuff. Just tell me what I need to get." He said, trying to change the subject.

She just simply nodded at him, and let him walk towards the door. She didn't even want to look up at him, but she did anyway, knowing good and well that he was staring right back at her.

She looked back down at her phone, and instantly began texting him instructions on what to get.

"I'll be right back. Everything's gonna be okay. I promise." He smiled, and then walked out the door.

Felicity hated this. She wanted him to admit that this was hard for him too, not being together. But he didn't show it at all. Instead, he just put on a brave face and acted as if none of this affected him whatsoever. And, that made her mad.

But, she didn't have time to think about any of that. Not when Barry's life was in danger, and barely hanging by a thread.

She needed to find something to help him... anything. Barry had been electrocuted by a bolt of lightening, but the evidence of foul play came into view when the bolt of lightening had a stronger charge than normal lightening. It was unexplainable. It didn't make sense, and that bothered Felicity.

So, now she was here... in the foundry... trying desperately to figure out how he could have been struck by something with a stronger charge than lightening. It was almost improbable, and certainly almost impossible... But Felicity was going to figure it out.


Felicity looked up to see Tommy walking in with coffees, and Diggle following in behind him.

"Hi." She smiled.

"You're... here... working? Does this mean-" Tommy asked.

"Yeah, I'm on Team Arrow now, too." Felicity nodded, looking back at the computer filled with problems and equations.

"Team Arrow, huh? Has a nice ring to it." Tommy smiled, looking at the computer, "What are you working on?"

"I'm trying to plug in algorithms to figure out any solution regarding how the voltage damage on Barry's nervous system surpassed the voltage given off by the lightening bolt." Felicity mumbled, shaking her head at the computer.

"Yeah, I don't speak nerd." Tommy shrugged, sipping his coffee.

Felicity just gave him a scolding look, and signed.

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