~ Chapter 18 ~

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"You okay? Long night." Diggle asked, as Oliver walked in.

"Yeah, News Report said the bomber didn't steal any money." Oliver muttered.

"I think this guy just wants to make a statement... That went online an hour ago." Diggle sighed, handing Oliver a tablet that had a document pulled up.

"His manifesto. 300 pages of anti-government hate." Diggle clarified.

"We need to find him before he finds his next target." Oliver sighed, handing the tablet back to Diggle. 

Felicity needed to be here, so that they could find this guy. He was worried why she wasn't already here. 

"What is taking her so long, Diggle?" 

Oliver paced back and forth in the foundry. He had talked to Felicity hours ago. She was supposed to be here by now, or that's what he thought. It didn't make sense to him that she wasn't already here.

"Oliver... There was probably traffic. She did ride a train here." Diggle sighed.

"Yes, I know, Dig, but it shouldn't have taken this long to get off a train and get here." Oliver closed his eyes, worried sick that she was in trouble, or something happened, and he wasn't there to be with her.

Diggle didn't respond, but just let him pace around, because he knew that no matter what he said, Oliver was going to worry. 

"Hey, guys... I'm sorry I'm so late. Traffic was horrendous... and then I couldn't catch a cab here... Ugh, I'm pretty horrible at catching those tricky little yellow things." Felicity mumbled as she hurriedly walked into the foundry.

She walked in to see Oliver with a worried expression, and she suddenly wondered to herself if he was actually worried about her. With the way things ended the last time they talked in person, she halfway expected him to still be giving her the silent treatment. Because, of course he thought he was protecting her by staying away from her. 

However, she felt the most safe when he was around.

"Oh." Oliver mumbled, while Diggle just chuckled to himself. 

"Did I miss something?" Felicity motioned to Diggle's sly looks to Oliver.

"Just Mr. Worry Wart over here." Diggle laughed, shaking his head.

Oliver just gave him a pointed look, not really wanting him to fill Felicity in on his worries. It was already hard enough not being with her. If she knew that he was still overcaring for her, and overprotecting her, she wouldn't let him hear the end of it. 

She would want more, and he couldn't have that. They were partners. But, that was all they were now. That was all they could ever be. 

Felicity just looked at Oliver, knowing deep down inside that he was wishing that they could be together, just like she was secretly wishing.... But, she knew that as long as he was the stubborn man she knew and loved, he would hold his ground until the end of time, and they would never be together, because once Oliver made up his mind about something, there was no sense of trying to change it. Because it was final.

That's how it was when he went on that stupid boat.

And, that's how it was now.

"I'm sorry for bringing you here. I know you were supposed to stay in Central City for a few more days."

"I got a news alert about the bombing, OIiver. Whether you would have called me or not, I would have been here." Felicity sighed, putting down her bags.

"Good. We need you here." Oliver sighed as well, looking at Felicity.

Felicity smiled to that, seeing part of the old Oliver in there. The one that loved her. 

Blank SpaceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora