~ Chapter 14 ~

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It had been a week since Felicity had seen Oliver. She had stayed cooped up inside her apartment, unable to move, think, or breathe. Ray had called her numerous times, and so had Diggle.

Oliver never once called though.

She expected that. She told him that she needed time, and he was respecting that. But, she still wished that he would have come, made her talk to him... Something.

But, he didn't. He stayed away, just like she wanted. But, was it really what she wanted? Had she really meant what she said when she said she needed time?

All she wanted to do was see him, touch him, anything to make sure that day hadn't been a dream.

She got out of bed, teary-eyed and tired, and walked to her kitchen. She needed something stronger than just caffeine to get her through today. Fortunately, she had stashed some red wine and liquor for a rainy day such as this one.

She put back the red wine, and decided she needed something stronger. She prepared a glass for herself, and downed it almost instantly. She felt the sting of it all the way down her throat. It was a nice pain, one that made her forget all the pain that these last three years had caused.

And especially the confusion that Oliver had caused with him... not being dead anymore.

She downed another glass, and another glass, and another glass, until she had lost count. She felt dizzy and numb. And... It was nice not to feel anything for once.

Then, of course, there was a knock at her door.

She clumsily walked towards the door, tripping on the air as she neared the door. She shook her head, trying to clear her blurry vision, but it wasn't working.

She opened the door anyway, sighing an angry sigh when she saw who it was. Of course she had to blink a couple of times to see who it was clearly, but who was paying any attention to that?

"What do... do you want, Ray...?" She slurred, leaning against the railing of her door for support.

"Are you... Felicity, are you drunk?" He asked, worried beyond reason.

"Wow... Nothing gets by you." Felicity laughed, walking back in her apartment.

"I was coming to check up on you, Felicity. You seem like you're not in a good place. What's going on?" Ray asked, walking inside too, and shutting the door behind him.

Felicity ignored him, pouring herself another glass.

"Felicity... Felicity, stop." Ray commanded, taking the glass away from her.

"Who-- Who do you think you are?" Felicity blinked up at him.

"Someone who cares about you." Ray sighed, putting the glass in the sink and taking the liquor away from her.

"Oh, please." Felicity sneered, falling onto the couch.

"You need to sober up, now." Ray said, following her lead and sitting on the couch.

"Why? What good will it do?" Felicity asked, feeling tears start to form once more.

God, she was so sick of crying.

"What is going on with you?" Ray asked, reaching for her hand.

She clumsily pulled away from him, like his touch burned her, and got up off the couch.

"No... No... I don't... I don't want to be touched, I don't want you to feel sorry for me, I don't want... I don't want any of it!" Felicity yelled.

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