Chapter 21

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  • Dedicated to You :)

Chapter 21

Liz’s POV

After a very brief meeting with the Captain of WPP, you could say I was discontent. He gave me another assignment. I didn’t want another assignment! I couldn’t even do the one I was assigned first! I walked out of the headquarters and out of the music store fuming. I even disregarded Scott, the employee working at the music store. I just wasn’t in the best of moods. 

To make matters worse, I had the file the Captain provided me in my right hand, in a tight grip. It felt like a huge weight pulling me down to one side. I know it was all in my mind, it was just a folder with maybe three pieces of paper, but for some reason it felt like more. 

I’m not stupid though, this was Blake’s idea. There was no way the captain would decide to assign me something else unless Blake told him he would take care of the previous assignment. Either way, I was not happy. Blake would definitely hear me for this. 

My bad mood was an obvious distraction and I tripped. I fell right down on my face on the concrete. I groaned, in pain while I picked myself up, brushing off my clothes.

"Are you alright ma’am?" a soft male voice asked me. I turned around to face the intruder and found a child that looked about seven years old, watching me with a hint of concern in his small brown eyes. His old ragged clothes told me he was probably poor or needy, his dirty bare feet full of cuts and scrapes confirmed it. My bad mood evaporated like smoke. 

"I’m alright. Thank you for asking" I replied politely. The boy smiled as a reply, showing me his almost perfect smile. I say almost perfect because he was missing one of his front teeth. But it was still a very contagious smile so I couldn’t help but smile in return. 

"What is your name little guy?" I asked the boy. He rolled his eyes at my small voice but still replied.

"Ando. What is yours?" he asked me back with a curious expression.

"I’m Liz. Nice to meet you" I stuck my hand out and he shook it like it was the most natural thing for him in the world. I smiled. 

"Where are your mommy and daddy?" I asked in a friendly tone. The boy’s smile faltered for a second but he replaced it with another one. 

"I don’t have a daddy, and mommy is sick. My older sister Rinà is taking care of her while I look for food" he said confidently.

"How old are you and your sister?" I questioned. This time the boy eyed me suspiciously, I was asking “too many" questions. He still answered though…

"I’m six. My sister is twelve" was his response.

I closed my eyes. I hated that. I hated the fact that there were families out there, who didn’t have anything. Families with sick parents with small children who had to look out for them. It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair because there was enough food and money in this world for everyone  but unfortunately they are not shared appropriately. No, in this messed up world, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. It’s a never ending cycle. 

It saddens and angers me at the same time, knowing that a child or a person dies every day just because no one did anything to help them out, provide them with food, or offer them shelter. Where is the kindness? Where is the love? I asked myself this questions all the time.

"Wanna go get some ice cream?" I asked the boy called Ando. His eyes told me yes but his mouth said no.

"You can get any flavor you want" I suggested teasingly. The boy looked troubled and I knew why, he didn’t want to enjoy something like this treat and come back empty handed to his family.

"We can go to the grocery stands in town and get something for your mom and your sister" I offered.

"You would do that?" he asked, his voice soft but hopeful.

"I would be offended if you didn’t let me do it" I said, pretending to be hurt.

The child smiled and nodded.

"Okay. I want ice cream and food for mom and Rinà" he stated.

"Good! Because I wasn’t going to take no for an answer".

I was gifted by his angelic smile before we walked side by side to get some ice cream. 

I knew I had to work on my new assignment. I also had to had a very serious talk with Blake… but right now, nothing else really mattered. I wanted to help this little boy and his family. I wanted to make a difference. Even if it was just a tiny one. 


A/N: I'm having a lot of trouble writing. I had a very sucky week, full of family drama and housework. Tomorrow is my birthday, I will be 20! (I know, I'm old lol) and I can't seem to concentrate. I will try to write more tonight so I can update the next chapter by Monday, but no promises :/ What do you guys think about Ando? Think he's gonna be important for the story?

Picture --> Ando

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