When Elara found out, she went into complete lockdown mode but yet, somehow she knew, as if someone had told her before she figured it out for herself.

She was only twenty-five, barely at twenty-six. What scared her the most is that now, no matter how hard she tried to get rid of any memory of him, she would be reminded every day.

Not to say she wouldn't love them, of course she would but Elara was also extremely traumatized. Her life had been completely flipped upside down. She was going to be one of the greatest female Jedi Knight's to go down in history but now, she's hiding from the truth with nothing but a lightsaber and two blessings to remind her of who she really is.

3 Years After Elara's Return To Naboo...

There is a part of growing up that is genuine and a part that disguises the greatest pain we can ever know. Small children can't see suffering without suffering also, because of this, Elara wore a mask. When the pain would come and go, Elara would shield it from Bellamy and Jude's eyes so they wouldn't know suffering at a young age. When story time rolled around in the evening, Elara would tell Bellamy and Jude the great adventures the Jedi had, choking up here and there.

As she sat, in the tall grass of Amar's acreage by the flowing river, she watched Jude and Bellamy toddle over each other while trying to catch the flying insects. Summer crept across the housing estate igniting the weeds and grasses that grew in the cracked pavement. The scene was breathtaking.

"Mama! Mama!" Bellamy cried out. "Bug! Bug!"

"Did you catch one?" Elara sat up, outstretching her arms so Bellamy could walk towards her.

Bellamy nodded eagerly, her hands cupped together so the bug wouldn't escape. "Bug!"

When her hands let the bug free, a beautiful winged insect began to fly away. Bellamy pointed proudly at it while Elara watched it fly away freely.

Jude crossed his arms and sat down, defeated and angry he couldn't catch a bug. His vocabulary was small so all he could do was pout. Elara sat up to comfort him, bringing Bellamy along with her. She pulled Jude onto her lap and pointed at the busy bugs above them. "You see them?"

Jude nodded. "I can't catch it."

"They don't want to be caught Jude." Elara explained. "They are meant to be in the sky."

"Oh." Is all he said, understanding the concept.

Bellamy pushed herself up, sitting beside her brother. "I caught one."

"And then you let it go, which is good." Elara nodded, tucking her hair behind her ear so the blowing wind wouldn't make her hair messy.

"Look at the ship!" Jude pointed out, wind making his dark locks fly in all directions.

"The ship?" Elara looked up, daring to find out what it was. "Crap."

Elara stood up hurriedly, bracing herself for the heaviness both twins would deliver. She hauled Bellamy onto her back and carried Jude against her chest. She began to run towards the nearby barn, away from the First Order ship. Opening the rusted door, she locked it quickly and began to climb to the second floor. Each animal didn't mind her presence but the questioning children made it hard for the animals to quiet down.

"Don't talk." Elara whispered. "Let's play the quiet game."

Bellamy bit her lips together, indicating she wasn't going to speak while Jude put a hand over his mouth. Sighing, Elara went to look outside the barn window, sneaking past it to catch a look. About a dozen stormtroopers emerged from the First Order ship and began walking towards the barn.

"I'll be right back, don't move and don't talk." Elara began to fret, not wanting to leave her children alone. She climbed down to the first floor and pulled out her lightsaber, carefully pressing herself against the door.

The staticky voices grew closer and closer until one finally said. "Check inside the barn!"

Grabbing a pitchfork, one of Amar's (horribly smelling) straw hats and smearing dirt on her cheeks, Elara answered the knock at the door.

A stormtrooper, much taller than she was, stood in the doorway. "The First Order is looking for this girl." He handed her a drawing of herself. "Have you seen her?"

Keeping her head down, she shook her head. "Can't say I have recently."


"Stole a ship of mine, said she was heading to the outer rim." Elara tried to make her voice sound deeper. "When you catch her, try and get my ship back."

Suspiciously, the stormtrooper went to take off her hat but Elara stopped him by putting her hand up. "I am not the person you are looking for."

The stormtrooper straightened. "You are not the person we are looking for."

"You will go to the outer rim and search for her there."

"We will go to the outer rim and search for her there." The stormtrooper looked back at his squad. "She's in the outer room territory! Send a message to Lord Ren immediately."

Elara smirked slightly and closed the door behind him. One thing was for sure and it wasn't that she was now being looked for, it was that she still had it.

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