Chapter 17: Why do I do it?

Beginne am Anfang

"Nothing," he said. I ran inside to find all my sisters in the living room except Caitlyn. The boys were nowhere to be seen.

"What happened?" Louis asked when he came into the room.

"Caitlyn got into a big fight with Liam about food," Holly said. "She's in her room and the boys are all talking to Liam in his room." That's definitely not good.

"Sorry Louis," I said. "I'll have to tell you later." Then I ran into Caitlyn's room. She wasn't in the room which meant she must be in the bathroom. Oh no. She finally stopped when Liam adopted her and I don't want her to start again. I ran over to the bathroom door and tried to open it, but it was locked.

"Caitlyn?" I asked through the door. "Let me in." There was no response. Oh no.

"If you're in there Caitlyn then you need to let me in or else I will call everyone in here." Still no response. "That's it I'm coming in there." I went over to her desk and found a paperclip which I used to pick the lock to the door. I threw open the door and what I saw made me scream in horror.

Liam's POV

 AAAAAAAAH! We heard an ear-piercing scream coming from Caitlyn's room. We immediately ran to the room and saw Caitlyn lying unconscious on her bathroom floor in a pool of her own blood. Avery was frantically trying to stop the bleeding with whatever she could find. Towels, her hoodie, anything.

She was obviously having an asthma attack, but she didn't seem to care. She was literally ripping her clothes into pieces to use as badages. Zayn left to go get help. Niall went to get a first aid kit. Harry left to call 911. Josh went to keep the other girls occupied so that they didn't have to see this.

Louis tried to pull Avery away from Caitlyn so she could use her inhaler, but he couldn't. Avery managed to get the bleeding to almost stop but kept bandaging Caitlyn until she collapsed and her breathing stopped. Niall came in with the first aid kit and when I opened it, I realized that I didn't know what to do with any of these things. So, I did the one thing that I knew how to do.

I put one hand on each of their wrists to feel their pulse. It didn't help with anything, but it let me know that they were still alive. Barely. Caitlyn's pulse was faint, but steady thanks to Avery. Avery's pulse was weak, and slowing down exponentially.

I looked over at Caitlyn my little girl, with her skin barely visible thanks to all the bandaging that Avery had covered her in. It was still obvious though that her breathing was strained. I looked to Avery. The little hero. She was soaked in blood and her clothes looked like they had been thrown in a shredder. She looked lifeless. I noticed that there were a ton or cuts and gouges in her shins. Louis came over and picked up a razor from the floor where Avery had been kneeling next to Caitlyn. Avery hadn't even noticed that it was there.

I heard the sirens of an ambulance. Seconds later, the doctors were in the room. Louis, Niall and I watched them lift the girls onto stretchers and carry them out of the room. I felt tears slide down my face and I didn't bother trying to hide them. I looked over to Louis and his eyes were bloodshot like he had been wiping tears away. A police officer came into the room over to Louis and I.

"The two of you are their legal guardians right?"  I nodded. "You both need to come to the hospital then and answer some questions for us." Louis and I nodded and we followed the officer to his cop car. None of this would have happened if I hadn't pressured Caitlyn so much. It was all my fault.


Author's Note.

Woah! So sorry that it took me so long to update. I think this is long but I won't know until I actually publish it so, I hope it's long enough to make up for not updating in a while. Also, I was about to publish it once, but then it deleted the entire part that's from Liam's point of view, so I had to rewrite that entire part. Also, the spacebar on my computer isn't working. It isn't broken. Spacebars just don't like me. So, I GOT 1,000 READS!!!!! You guys are superawesomesuperheroesofawesomenessthatsaveawesomevillewiththeirawesomepowerswhentheyseetheawesomesighintheskyandgivepeoplemorereadsbecauseyouareawesome!

You guys wish you knew what that means. The first person who decodes it and writes it in the comments gets a dedication.

Who else has seen the new video for Best Song Ever by One Direction? I think it is the most awesome video in the entire history of the world. Do you guys agree with me? Tell me in the comments.

If you want me to read your stories, you can tell me on the message board of my profile. I'll make sure to read it.

So, vote, comment, tell your friends about my story, add this to your library, follow me so that I can follow you back, and keep being awesome.

Bye my little pelicans!


Me in the future:

Yeah, I feel completely stupid now because I just realized that I mixed up the name in this chapter with the name of a character in another story I wrote. I just had to go through this chapter changing every time it says Allison to Caitlyn. For those of you who have already read this, Allison does not exist in this story. If I ever say a name that does not exist in the story, tell me as soon as you notice it. Bye.

-Jessica...again...I guess

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