Chapter 23

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Crystal_Turquoise: The picture is how Lux looks right now. (Cuz generally, my descriptions stink.)

I don't own the picture. Nor the video.


Lux's P.O.V

    I heard the sound of blades meeting the materials used to make the dolls that this tower holds. 'They came. Finally. But it's too late.'

    The doors in front of the throne I sit on open, revealing Ciel, Sebastian, and my friends. As well as Grell. "Lux!" All but one shouts.

    Now, why am I not running up to them and hugging them? Well, to put it bluntly; I can't move. I can't feel. I can't speak. All because Angela turned me into a doll. One of her 'precious, pure children' as she puts it.

    "Lux?" Taika asks as she slowly approaches me. Sebastian strides up to me and takes my hand in his. When his eyes meet my lifeless ones, his eyes flash and stay that way. But he doesn't break eye contact.

    "It appears you have found her." Angela's voice echoes around us, making it difficult to tell her location. "But you are too late. She is my doll. Her purity shall remain here, forever."

    Before Sebastian turns away to face Angela, who has now revealed herself, I see him shed a single tear. 'Sebastian does love me, right?' If he does truly love me, then he can save me.

    Before Angela had begun her work, I muttered a spell to myself. It was a healing spell for true love. If someone who truly loves someone else kisses that person when this spell has been used, the kiss will heal the other person. Or both if both people are in need of healing. I only casted it because a voice in my head told me to.

    Behind Sebastian, I can see Nina crying, Kim trying to be emotionless, Grell as mad as heck, Ciel trying to hold in his rage, and Taika's shocked face. 'I wonder if they know that I can hear and see them.'

    Sebastian walks towards the angel. "I would like all of you to either leave or shield your eyes. I can not have my image as the Phantomhive butler ruined." Everyone leaves, well, after some protesting from Grell. 'I guess he's gonna turn into his demon form.'

    Feathers begin falling and the room gradually turns dark. I see a pair of demon eyes glow in the dark. "You foolish demon. You can not defeat me." Angela's voice rings out, but it's clear that her voice wavers.

    "Not this time. Today will be your downfall, angel." Sebastian's voice answers. 'I can't see anything that's going on. It's happening out of my vision.'

    A figure appears in my field of sight. 'Is that possibly... Sebastian's demon form?' I catch a glance of the figure's left hand. 'The covenant! It is Sebastian!'

    They continue fighting and I remember something from when I woke up as a doll.


    "No one can take you away. My dolls will protect you." Angela tells me as she plays with my hair. 'Sebastian and the others will find you.'

    "And if they do end up defeating me, well, then they will have to fight you, my dear." She begins to hum what sounds like the instrumental from Mad Father's song, Old Doll.

    "Once they are defeated, you will use your magic to bring me back. And then, you will truly be my precious, pure doll. For eternity."

=Flashback end=

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