Chapter 21

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*Crystal_Turquoise sticks her head in the room.*

Crystal_Turquoise: Alright, I'm safe.

Hello reader! If you didn't read the previous chapter, I dyed Sebastian's hair pink after making Ciel think I was gonna do it to him. (This was in the A/N)

So I'm trying to keep away from Sebastian until the pink dye fades away. Don't tell him I was here.

Oh, and for any of you who were confused, T is me. It's faster to say and type than Crystal_Turquoise.



Lux's P.O.V

A body falls. I clenched my fists. 'Of all people. We don't have a choice.' I look up to face the killer.

"You are under arrest in the name of the queen by the Queen's Guard Dog and the Queen's Spider, Lady Elizabeth Ethel Cordelia Midford." I inform her. 'I have no sympathy. If she truly loved Ciel, she wouldn't be doing this.'

She gives me a sick smile. "No I'm not. I was promised."

"By who?" Sebastian, Ciel, Claude, and Alois finally enter the alley way.

"By me." A male voice says. I freeze, then slowly turn to the owner of the voice.

"I thought you died." I growl at the voice.

The voice becomes feminine. "Of course I did not. A simple demon can not defeat a being such as myself."

ASh Landers and Angela Blanc. Of course, because the angel of massacre couldn't stay dead. But why would he/she help Lizzy?

"Lizzy, why?" I ask.

"Ciel was taken from me! All I did was make him happy and he repays me by breaking the engagement!"

"You know, if you can't be happy for him, that he's finally happy with someone else, you don't truly love him. It's called possession. If you truly loved him, you would be happy as long as he's happy."

Lizzy ponders on what I said for a moment.

"But sweet Lizzy, why are you in this mess in the first place?" Angela asks. 'The voice is different when the genders switch, so that's helpful when it comes to names.'

Lizzy looks at me. "Because of Lux."

"Me? Last I checked, you were the one who's going on a killing spree."

"If you'd just sided with me, I'd still have Ciel! And that stupid freak wouldn't be here."

"Taika is no freak. She's a friend I value. I should've acted the moment I had that premonition, but I thought that it was just a dream. Lizzy, why should I have sided with you?"

"Because that's what friends do!"

"So I should've sat back and watch you kill one of my best friends? Do you know how stupid, pathetic, and childish you sound?"


" 'She stole Ciel this, she stole Ciel that.' " I mimic her perfectly. "Listen here, you blonde, idiotic, mad fool. Ciel isn't yours, he was never yours to begin with. No one belongs to anyone, and that's that."

She smiles again. "But I have an angel to make him mine. And not even a witch like you can stand up to an angel."

"And let me guess; the angel told you that?"

"Remember why you're doing this, dear Lizzy." Angela glides down and stands next to Elizabeth. "You want your sweetheart back. You just want to make him happy. But you can't do that with Lux in the way. If you can deal with the demons, I'll take care of her. I know you can."

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