Your Love Messes Me Up 15 - Gossip Girl

Start from the beginning

Though I don’t think Samantha or Elizabeth to be boring, Sam was well prom queen and you don’t win that by being boring… Also Elizabeth is vain and a total girly girl, so there’s no way she’s boring.

She better not b–


Okay now I WANT to strangle her. For the noise pollution she alone is making and not to mention how she just insulted my name and that she made it sound like wearing dark colours is a crime.

Turning around, the voice belonged to a girl with this tight and small white spaghetti top to the extent that we could see her maroon laced bra and micro skirt that left little to the imagination. She had tramp written all over her and her shrilly voice.

Fed up, I walked over to the table. “You’ve got a problem with me?”

“Honey, I’ve got a problem with all of you” she sneered as she got up. “You see, I don’t understand Aiden Williams is interested in a flat chested, scrawny black haired girl like you.” As she said flat chested, she flaunted her what seems to be double D breasts by squeezing them together.

Rolling my eyes as she droned on about what else she thought was dissatisfactory, my stomach flipped when I heard “especially when I had sex with him before”

“You had sex with him before?” I said flatly.

“Of course I did honey, weren’t you listening?” the tramp said, swooning. “It was at this party and it the best f**k I ever had, we…”

“First things first tramp, it’s not honey it’s Summer.” I yelled, interrupting her. I couldn’t take anymore of her irritating voice. “I don’t even know you. Also, you’re calling me flat chested? Are you blind? Do you need surgery for your eyes like you did on your boobs?  I’m a freaking C cup.”

“So what, I had se–”

“Had sex with him? Big whoop. It’s no surprise if he had laid half the girls in this school. What’s so great about having sex at a party? It just meant that you had to get him drunk for him to even give you the time of day. Don’t lump me into the same category as you. Unlike you, I caught his attention with all of my clothes on”

Walking back to my table, I grabbed my stuff and told Addy and Izzy that I’ll be going to class first. There’s no way I’m going to stick around after what I said. I can’t believe I actually did that.

I’m not a confrontational type of person, also what she said about having sex…well, it bugged me.

I’m really not surprised about it…am I?

“Summer, wait up!” Addy called out with Izzy following behind.

“Why did you leave so fast? You should have seen Jessica’s face when she got what you meant.” Izzy laughed at the memory of it.

“She actually needed time to understand what I said? Gosh she’s an airhead…” I sighed. “I can’t believe that Aiden actually did it with that kind of person.”

“What brought that episode about anyway?” Izzy asked, looking worried.

‘She’s such a good friend’ I smiled internally.

“No idea” I scratched the back of my head. “Her voice seriously pissed me off though”

“I guess she’s the kind of people you can’t help but hate” Addy said as we all walked into class early.


Aiden’s POV:

“Hey guess what I’ve heard” Jay came running to our table at lunch as he slid to a stop.

“Just tell us Jay” Michael said taking his eyes off his laptop for awhile.

“Summer confronted Jessica after she bitched about Summer directly behind her back” Jay said putting on a serious front.

“Our dancing queen actually confronted someone?” Gregg spoke up, looking very interested.

“I think I’ve got the clip right here.” Michael said, instantly getting the guys to gather behind the screen. Trust him to get the school’s security camera’s footage…I guess it was a good idea to sit next to him today; I don’t have to deal with Jay squeezing about trying to get the best spot.

A few minute later ~

“Wow, Aiden. You’ve got to admit, she got more backbone than we give credit for.” Michael chuckled. “I especially like her last line” he added, looking at me from the corner of his eye.

Conner nodded silently, not saying a word as usual.

“Do I really look that much of a player for Summer to think that I might have laid half the girls here?” I sighed.

“If it wasn’t for your sister I think you might have done that” Gregg said.

“I’d say that you have done a quarter of the girls here though” Jay replied.

Sending him a glare, “I didn’t really need to remember the figures Jay. Especially when I can’t remember the other girl in the video.”

“She must have taken ‘talking behind someone’s back’ literally. Not to mention the amount of time for her to register what Summer said, she’s even dumber than Summer. At least she was faking it.” Michael said as he analyzed the video.

“You must have been really drunk to not remember that night” Gregg added.

“It’s in the past, I’d rather not dig up the dead.” I grimaced.

“If you say so” Michael commented as he closed the video and set his laptop to hibernate.

Sighing as I thought to myself

‘How can I prove to Summer that I’m not the playboy that she think I am?’

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