Ch. 12

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I will hurry my story for your sake. Spring came quickly. I got great pleasure from the trees and creatures. On one day, Felix seemed especially sad. So much so, that father inquired to him what the cause was. Felix reassured him in a joyful tone. The old man resumed his music making. There was a knock on the door. 

It was a lady on horseback. She was in a dark suit, with a black veil. Agatha asked her a question, to which the only response was "Felix". She had a foreign accent. Her eyes were dark, yet gentle. She had raven black hair. 

Felix was so delighted when he saw her. I did not know his was capable of such joy. The stranger did not speak the language of the cottagers. I did not understand why this woman brought Felix so much joy. The family tried to teach her simple words using signage. Watching them, I started to learn new words. Felix kissed her hand, and bid his sweet "Safie" good night, so I assumed that was her name.

The next morning was as usual. The Arabian sat at the old man's feet, listening to his music. She sang, and her voice was beautiful. The whole family seeming lifted. I spent the days closely studying, hoping to learn the language more accurately. I learned much. I also learned how to read. The book Safie was taught by Felix was "Ruins of Empires" which I would not of understood had Felix not explained every minute detail to her. I gained a basic knowledge of history, and manners, governments, religions, and I wept with Saife of the fate of the original american inhabitants. 

These wonderful works inspired me. I learned about poverty, castes, and noble blood. I felt internal strife. What was I? Who was I? Why was I here? Who created me? I knew nothing, except that I was different from the others. Knowledge was such a burden! I wished for the days when my needs directed my actions, when I knew nothing. But knowledge clung to me. I knew of only one state free of this pain, and that was death, which I feared.

I learned more yet. I learned of the difference of sexes, the birth and growth of kids, and how families were. Where was my family? I didn't remember a childhood, and I had never met another like me. I wanted to know who I was. 

Frankenstein (Condensed for easy studying)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin