Ch. 10

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I have a hard time remembering my first breath of life. There was so much to take in, all at once. I walked out, and the sun was very bright. I wished to find shade. I found a forest near Ingolstadt, and I found berries to help with my hunger, and there was a stream which slaked my thirst. When I left your apartment, I brought a few clothes so as to not be cold, but now I was cold again. I was quite miserable. Then, the moon rose, giving me a childish pleasure. I went to search for more berries, and I focused on the moon to keep me pleased.

Several days passed. I drew enjoyment from the moon, from the sounds of the stream, and the sounds of the birds. I tried to imitate the bird songs, but the noise of my trying scared me so much that I was silent. I was beginning to become more personlike.

One day I found a barrel fire, left by some beggars. It enticed me so much that I stuck my hand into it, only to find extreme pain. I used trial and error to discover how to dry wood to keep the fire alive. I loved the fire. I found out how to use the fire to cook nuts and roots, and that by doing so greatly improved the quality of the food. Winter came, and food was scarce. 

One day while searching for nuts and berries, my fire went out. I knew not how to reproduce it, sadly. Cold, and hungry, I searched for shelter and food. I found a hut, and entered it. An old man was sitting by the fire, and when he saw me he screamed and ran from his home. I was intrigued by the hut, and ate the rest of the shepherds breakfast. I then fell asleep in the hut.

When I awoke, I continued my travels until I found a village. I tried to enter a beautiful house, but suddenly the whole village was roused. Some fled, and the rest attacked me with stones until I myself fled. I eventually found a small hovel that was uninhabited. I intended to stay here until something made me leave. 

I saw a girl, who was lovely and seemed mighty kind. I discovered that I could see her and her family through a chink in my wall. An older man was speaking to the girl, and at the end of their conversation, he smiled at her with affection. I had never felt such emotions before, and I was overcome.

The young man and the girl worked in the garden, and made dinner. The family ate dinner. The family played and worked for several more hours, but then the light went out, and I had to rest. 

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