Epilogue Part 1

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*Next Day*

Dawson woke up pretty early considering that she went to sleep pretty late, she had put the coffee maker and started on breakfast she had quiet an appetite after last night She had just finished breakfast when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist, "Good morning baby" Casey whispered right next to her ear. She turned around to face him "Good morning babe" she said as they immediately kissed each other. "Breakfast is ready" she said as they pulled apart. "Great because Im starving" he said as we sat down and began to eat. "You coming to the firehouse today?" he asked me, I nodded "Yeah I was thinking of cutting my vacation time to get back to work" I replied, but he shook his head.

"No dont do that I was actually thinking of getting some time off too and that time we can go house hunting" he informed him, I smiled "Okay sound like good to me" she said so they after eating thy cleaned up and got ready. "How about we take your car and after shift you can pick me up" Casey said and I agreed with him it would be a waste of gas to use two cars since were going to the same place. We took my car but I le Casey drive there, "Hey you two" Shay said as we walked into the firehouse. I smiled and hugged her "Hi everyone" I said as I hugged everyone there. "Im going to go talk to Chief" Casey told me as he and Severide both left the kitchen, I smiled at him and then sat down next to Shay who was drinking a mug of coffee, "So Im guessing that everything worked out with Casey?" she said smirking.

"Yeah we talked and yes I kind of freaked out yesterday after remembering" I admitted, she looked at me "Kind of? come on you fully freaked out but its understandable" she said and I nodded "Yeah Im just glad we got to work things out and um well we decided to... we decided to move in together" I whispered to her not wanting anybody else to know quiet yet. "YOU WHAT!!!" she screamed causing everybody to look at us. I gave her a glare to shut it she smiled t everybody "haha sorry um Gabby I need to show you something come on" she said as she got up and pulled me towards the locker room. "Okay spill it how!?" she asked me. I smiled "Well after talking about what happened and me explaining my talk with Hallie we..." but Dawson was interrupted by Shay "Wait you talked to Hallie about this?" Shay asked confused. So Dawson went on and told her how she seen Hallie at the market and how Hallie told her not to let Casey go.

Shay was speechless "Wow... that' just wow" shay say, "I know that's how Im felt afterwards" she explained. "Well anyways um after clearing all the drama he told me tat he wanted to take the next step of our relationship and he said that he wanted us to move in together and of course I accepted" Dawson told Shay who was so happy for her best friend. "Congrats Gabby so who's apartment are you guys moving into?" Shay asked her. "None we decided to start a new start and look for a place that we both like" Dawson explained "Well Im happy for both of you" Shay said as she hugged me and not just any normal hug this was one bon crushing hug, she must be really happy for me. "Well come on before they start wondering where we went and they come looking for us" Shay said and I agreed with her so we walked out of the locker rom towards the kitchen.

Casey then hugged me "I was wondering where you went" he said as he kissed on forehead, I smiled at him "Sorry girl talk with Shay" I answered. He smiled "You tell her about us moving in together" it was more of a statement then a question, she couldn't help but smile "I know you to well" he said smirking, "Well let me guess you told Severide about us" and it was his time to smile. "Guess you know me well too" he said they both laughed, "Hey what's so funny?" Hermann asked causing everybody to look at them. Dawson and Casey both looked at each other they knew they would have to eventually tell them "You tell them" Dawson whispered to Casey. "Okay well Gabby and I decided to take the next step in our relationship so we decided to move in together" Casey announced, Everybody started cheering for them, "Its about time" Cruz said as he went up to hug Dawson, "Thank you" they both said, within the minute the warning bell rang

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