Do you Believe Me?

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"Antonio what the hell is going on?" Dawson asked her brother now more worried, he looked bad she knew he was undercover but this was the worse she had see him. "The case Ive been working on in the beginning but then it was transferred to drug squad but I couldn't just leave it there my C.I'S were involved and I couldn't let them get hurt ad it all went south Kimberly a c.i. of mine was clean and wanted to help but last night she was found in a motel and she overdosed Gabby and now.. their investigating me Gabs and if they come and question you, you say we were together last night and these few days" Antonio told her. "Antonio please tell me your going to be okay, please come with me lets get away from all this for a few days come on Laura, the kids and you please" she begged him noticing that this could probably ruin his reputation.

"I cant Gaby I need to stay here and find out who did this to Kimberly she was clean Gabs for a whole year she stayed sober I know she left the drugs behind her." he said and was about to walk out of her apartment, "Antonio.." Dawson began but he turned around and she knew he was in o mood to hear her right now. "Gabby just let me do my job and we'll talk about his afterwards" he said and she couldn't argue with him so she nodded in agreement. "Okay but Im leaving tonight so we'll talk about this when I return" she said in her serious tone and he knew he wouldn't be able to let it go. So she walked him to the front door of her apartment building, she gave him a hug and walked inside she was about to get in the elevator when she heard gunshots.

She immediately ran outside and saw Antonio there on the floor with gunshots in his chest. "Oh god Antonio!!" she ran towards him and fell down and held him in her arms "Antonio stay with me please brother" she said in between cries. "PLEASE CALL AN AMBULANCE!!!! HELP!!!" she yelled, hoping someone would hear her. Within a couple of minutes she heard an ambulance coming, two paramedics came out with a stretcher they got him in the ambulance and were headed to Lakeshore once inside she had to wait in the waiting room while they took him to surgery. She couldn't call Laura she was not thinking right so she called Shay. "Hey I thought I wouldn't be hearing from you for a couple of hours" Shay said once she answered her phone. "Shay.. I.." but Dawson couldn't even speak from crying.

"Dawson babe what's wrong?" Shay asked her now worried. "Antonio he got shot... I need you and Severide to please pick Laura... Im in Lakeshore" she said as she tried to get ahold of herself. Shay agreed and they hung up, She sat down and started to cry once more. She didn't even notice that someone was sitting next to her when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up and saw Casey sitting next to her. This took her by surprise "What are you doing here?" She asked him. "Shay told me you were here what happened Gaby?" he asked her. She shook her head she didn't want to remember what had happened just a couple of hours ago. "Hey hey its okay if you dont want to talk dont" he said and then he hugged her. She knew she shouldn't be hugging him but just being in his arms felt so right and she just needed his support.

After almost an hour she heard Laura calling here name "Gaby please tell me he is okay" she said as she was crying. Dawson stood up and hugged her "I dont know they haven't  told me anything" Gaby told her as they both took a seat. "What happened?" Laura once again asked but this time Shay and Severide walked in and gave her a hug, "I honestly dont know I walked him out of my apartment and was about to get on the elevator when I heard the shots and I ran outside and I saw him there on the floor..." Dawson once again crying just thinking about it. "I told him that you guys should have came with me on vacation all this undercover crap was getting to him but he said he couldn't." Dawson said. Casey's eyes widened because he didn't even know that Dawson was going on vacation. "I told him myself that he was taking all this to far but he didn't want to listen to me" Laura said.

The doctor came out and everyone stood up. "Family of Antonio Dawson" Doctor Halstead said, "Will please tell me what happened" Dawson asked him. "We successful took out the 3 bullets they are taking him to his room right now he is still out and wont wake up until tomorrow morning so I let you guys visit him but one 1 person can stay the night with him" and with that Dr. Halstead left, Laura and Gaby both couldn't help but cry of pure happiness and they hugged each other and they went to go tell the rest. "Gaby can you stay with the kids for the night? um my sister is with them right now but she cant spend the night" Laura asked her. "Of course lets go see him and then I head straight over there." then Dawson turned to Shay "Can you drop me off at their place?" Dawson asked her and Shay nodded.

So as soon as the nurse let them see her brother she felt a bit better and then she said goodbye to her sister in law and walked to the waiting room, and was surprise to see that Shay or Severide where no where to be found but there in front of her was Casey, "Where's Shay at?" Dawson asked him. "She forgot she had something to do so she asked me to take you myself" he said. "Oh um well never mind thank you though" Dawson said and walked out of the hospital was going to hale a cab when Casey got ahold of her arm and spun her around so she was no facing him. "Gaby come on let me take you I'll take you home first to pick up some clothes and then Ill take you to your brothers and I dont want to hear any excuse because Im going to take you so come on." he said as h guided her towards his truck.

As he drove off she couldn't look at him so she looked out the window and they whole ride to her apartment was completely silent neither of them talking, so she got out of his truck and went to get some cloths because she knew that Laura would want to spend a lot of in the hospital with Antonio. As soon as she packed her bag she ran downstairs and got in Casey's truck. "Ready?" he asked he, and she nodded not being able to respond. So he drove off towards Antonio's house he parked in front of the house and she got off she was expecting him to drive off but she was surprised to see him behind her walking towards the house. She knocked on the door and was greeted by Laura's sister, "Gabby" she said giving her a sympathetic smile. Gabby returned the smile and they walked in. "The kids are asleep, so we'll be leaving and were sorry about Antonio" and with that Laura's sister and husband were gone.

Dawson walked upstairs to check on her niece and nephew, she seen that they were still asleep he smiled seeing how innocent they were in all this. She walked back expecting that Casey to have left but he was there in the kitchen table sitting down. "What are you doing here?" she asked him. He got up and walked towards her, "You should get some rest you look exhausted" he simply said, "You didn't answer my question what are you doing here?" she said sounded a little harsh. "Im spending the night with you your exhausted and someone needs to drive the kids to school tomorrow" he said. She had no energy to protest so she walked  towards the guest bedroom where she stayed whenever spend the night. She opened the door and walked in followed by Casey, she didn't look at him and walked into the bathroom with her duffel bag and got changed. Casey went in after her and changed too since he had extra clothes in his truck, she was already laying down when he got out.

He walked over and turned off the light and laid down besides her, their backs facing each other then he turned around and he was facing her back, "I know this is the best time but Im sorry" he said. "For what?" she asked not turning around even though it was dark she couldn't face him. "Because of the way I treated you for not believing you for not trusting you" he said. She stayed silent because she couldn't speak tears running down towards the pillow. "What do you want me to say Matt? You hurt me by not believing me by not listening to me" she said. And then he surprised her by hugging her " know I messed up and I still dont completely know the truth but that could wait I just want you to know that Im here for you I will always be here for you no matter what." he said.

She turned around to face him now, "I need to know if your saying all this because you really mean it or because of what Im going through because I cant keep doing this Casey" she said as she wiped a tear away. "I miss you Gabby and I cannot tell you how sorry I am for what happened before but I know my timing is bad with everything that has happened but this has nothing to do with what happened with you brother but lets get some sleep and we'll talk about this later on" he said kissing her cheek. She didn't even protest because she was so tired and immediately fell asleep...



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