Were Done

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*Next Morning*

After having a few beers Dawson left she couldn't be around people in that moment, Shay offered to go with her but Dawson denied the suggestion, she just wanted to be alone. As soon as she woke up she didn't even want to look at herself in the mirror because she knew that she had bags under her eyes and probably pink and puffy from the night before crying. She didn't even want to go to work today not only because she would have to see Casey but she would also have to see Mills. She took a shower and was now dressed an was in the kitchen grabbing a apple she really wasnt hungry as right as she was about to make her way out of her apartment she started feeling dizzy, she had to grab on to the doorknob.

And just like the last time she started to get a memory, in this memory she was laughing and talking to somebody and she recognized that it was at Molly's then she seen him Casey she was laughing and talking to Casey. She felt some tears form in her eyes she couldn't them back and they fell on her cheek. She had to sit down trying to remember more but she couldn't, after a few minute she got up and left her apartment before she was late for shift. As son as she parked she seen Severide walking up with Shay she got out of her car and ran towards them, "Good morning guys" Dawson said as she hugged Shay and they both gave her a sympathy smile, she could tell they were trying to be nice to her and she hated it. "Good morning Dawson how did you sleep?" Severide asked her, in which she simply shrugged.

She couldn't tell them that she hardly got any sleep al she did was toss and turn and keep thinking about Casey but she couldn't tell them she was ashamed, because she knew Casey wasnt even thinking about her. "Okay I guess well I see you guys inside" She said walking inside before them and straight to her locker she couldn't look at anybody right now. Se had walked into the locker room and her heart immediately dropped because right in front her was Casey standing in front of his locker, he turned around and faced her when he heard someone enter. She couldn't do anything all she could do was just look at him she couldn't even move. She was going to talk to him but he spoke up "Look I dont want this to be awkward between us, we work together were going to be seeing each other on a daily basis so lets not make this awkward and lets just get along like co workers" and with that he left.

She tried to hold back her tears in front of him and when he left they just ran down her cheeks, she couldn't take tis how did her life get ruined so fast one minute she was happy thinking that it was such a god thing that maybe she didn't remember anything that happened with Casey before her accident but now it was 10 times worse because this time Casey didn't want anything to do with her. Hearing voices behind her she wiped the tears and walked to her lockers she wasnt going to let anybody feel bad for her, she was going to be touch and act like nothing affects her even though inside she was dying because Casey was acting so cold with her like if their relationship was not worth fighting for. She shook the thought out of her mind and put her bag in her locker and was about to leave.

But of course Mills had to show up and was now standing next to her "What do you want, you know what dont tell me because I dont feel like talking to you so goodbye" she said trying to walk past him but he blocked her way "Please Dawson one minute" he pleaded. She was about to say no but she thought it would be better if she would talk to him so he could finally leave her alone. "Fine 1 minute and after that you leave me alone forever" she said waiting for him to talk. He nodded "I could say that Im sorry for what I did but Im not because I told you that I would fight for you yes it might not have been fair but like they say all is fair in love and war and that's what I did and I think it was also best because Casey didn't even believe out if he really loves you like he say he does he would have heard you out and believed you but he didn't he didn't believe you because he doesn't love you like he says unlike me Dawson I love you and we belong together and I would wait a thousand years for you because that's how much you mean to me"

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