Dawsons Birthday 1ST PART

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*Present Time*

It had been 3 whole days since the accident and Shay had been released today, Severide was going to take her home to get some rest but she wouldn't let him. She insisted that she would stay in the hospital she needed to know how her best friend was doing. Severide and Chief Boden tried to convince her to go home but she wouldn't budge so they agreed to let her stay a while but then she did had to go home. She had about 2weeks off of work due to her injuries s she was planning on spending all her time in the hospital waiting for Dawson to wake up from the coma.

It was now the 4 day that Dawson was in the coma and still nothing, Casey and Severide were sitting next to each other in the waiting room waiting for Shay to finish her visit with Dawson. Every day after their shiftended Casey and 2 other workers would go straight to the hospital hoping to have good news that Dawson had finally woken up. But as the days went by they were losing hoping little by little.

Shay walked in the waiting room 5 minutes later knowing that they would be there. She sat in the middle of them and they could see that she had been crying because of how puffy and red her eyes were. "She has to wake up she just has to she's my best friend and without her I would be lost" Shay said with tears running down her cheeks. Severide side hugged her he hated seeing her like this but there was nothing he could do to help her.

Casey remained silent he couldn't talk because he felt the same as Shay, Gaby was his whole world he was eve planning on proposing to her on Christmas Day. Even though they had only been dating for a little while he knew she was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. Their relationship had not been the most perfect relationship especially the way they started but he couldn't imagine his life without her.

"Whenever I feel sad and see how Dawson is I try to think of the good times we had together and then I cant stop smiling because that's the way I know she would want me to be not sad but happy so I'm gonna keep thinking of the good times with her" Casey said. Shay and Severide both nodded in agreement because they knew he was right Dawson would want them to think of the happy moments they shred with her.

Casey then started laughing "I remember her 26th birthday party " He said clearly remembering that day.

*6 Months Ago*

It had been a month since Molly's had open and busy was not that great but it wasn't doing bad either. The whole firehouse was their celebrating Dawson's birthday. Her brother and his co workers from Intelligence were there too. Dawson didn't want to make a big deal she was tuning 26 years old. But Shay insisted so there they were having a good time. Dawson was behind the counter serving drinks to everyone when Hermann came behind her "And what do you think your doing your the birthday girl your not suppose to be serving us drinking quiet the opposite were suppose to serve you so go get out of here" He said practically pushing her out behind the counter.

she smiled as she walked over to were Shay was at "Hey have you see Casey he said he would be here" Dawson said as she looked round for him. Shay shook her head "Nope haven't see him" in that moment they seen that the door to the bar was opening and then they seen walking inside but he wasn't alone, right behind him and holding his hand was a woman.

At first Dawson was sure if it was her but then she was sure looking at her , she had seen her at Lakeshore Hospital. She was a doctor there, Shay noticed that Dawson had a sad look so she rubbed her back in confront. "I'm gonna go see how everybody is doing" Dawson said as she seen Casey and his girlfriend walking towards her. Right when Casey walked up she walked the other way towards her brother and company.

"Hey where did Dawson go I wanted to say happy birthday and give her her gift." Casey said. Shay and Hermann just looked at each other and they shrugged.

"Well lets me introduce you guys um you guys this is Hallie my fiancé, Hallie these are Shay and Hermann I work with them" Hallie shook hands with them "Hey I know you right, your EMT " Hallie said recognizing Shay. Shay nodded in agreement .

Casey seen Dawson talking to a group of people he wanted to go up but he thought it could be better later so he got himself and Hallie a beer. "So little sis how does it feel to be 26 already?" Antonio asked his sister. As she walked up to him and his partners Lindsay, Halstead, Atwater, Ruzek and Burgess "Well it sure is better than being 32 that's for sure" which made everybody at the table laugh "Very funny sister but when you get there Ill be laughing"

Dawson stayed here a little longer until Otis got up on the counter "Alright everybody can I have everybody's attention before we cut the cake we decided to say a few words about Dawson so who ever wants to say anything be my guest" It was not a surprise for Leslie Shay to be the first one on top already trying to speak.

"Well what could I say about my best friend, my partner, well she is the best PIC I know I am truly honored to be under her control. When I first started this job 3 years ago I was thrilled to be working with Dawson everybody talked good things about her and everybody wanted to work with and for her and I was lucky enough to be the one and not only that she became my best friend I truly trust her with my life and I could not imagine my life with her in it so Happy Birthday Dawson love you babe!" Shay said as she raised her glass of wine to cheer for Dawson.

The next person to get on top of the counter was Hermann. "Well Dawson and I started working at the firehouse at the same time which was 5 years ago and let me tell you there isn't a lot of people who could do what Dawson does day by day, she is one of the strongest woman I know and I am honored to work with her sometimes she a pain in the butt but without her we wouldn't be standing here in this place because she believed in me in this place and I'm glad to be co owners with her"




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