The Talk Part 1

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"Hey what's wrong?" Shay asked her as she opened the door and seen Dawson crying. "Can I come in?" Shay opened the door so Dawson could come in. "I went to talk to Mills to tell him to let him know that nothing can ever happen between us because even thought I fully don't remember hat happened with Casey I was attracted to him and wanted to try again with him start all over so after mills I went over to Casey's apartment but then I seen him and Severide waking out with two women ad ten they drove off I was so stupid to actually think there could be something between us." Dawson said crying.

This got her best friend very upset, she didnt even say anything instead she got up got her keys and phone and walked out of the apartment. As she got in her car she had her phone next to her ear.

"Hello" she heard on the other line
"Where are you at we need to talk" Shay said trying to stay calm.
"Im actually busy but we can..." but she didnt even let him finish.
"Kelly Severide where the hell are you Im not playing I need to talk to Casey and I know his with you so tell me where your at before I do somethiny crazy." She said loosing her patience.

He told her where they were because he knew she was not to be messing with right now. She arrived within 15 minutes and made her way through the restaurant. She got to the table and seen them both sitting there with both blondes sitting there too. "Well the hell is this?" She asked looking at Casey.

He looked confused "Dawson is at my apartment crying her eyes out because she seen you leaving with them." Shr said and now it made sense to Casey. "Dawson wait why? Where did she see me?" He asked a million questions running through his head. "Outside your apartment but who cares right because your having the best time of your life, you know what Casey I thought you were different but I guess I was wrong" And with that Shay walked away.

She was about to get in he car when she felt a hand on her shoulder, she turned to see Casey standing there. "I have to get home what do you want Casey?" "I need to Gabby what she saw is nothing like what she thought Serena she's not a girl she's my cousin and her friend was intersed in Severide I was spending time with my cousin then they wanted to go to dinner I would never to anything to jeopardize my future with Dawson." He explained. She looked at him unsure what to think but decided to believe he wouldn't lie especially if it had to do with Dawson.

"Please let me talk to her I need to explain everything to her" he begged her. She nodded and handed him her set of keys to her apartment. He walked back to his car and drove off to Shay's apartment. Before entering he took a deep breath because he knew that it was not going to be easy to talk to her so he finally got himself together and walked in the apartment. There he seen Dawson sitting on the couch with her head back and her eyes closed.

He got closer and was certain that she was asleep. "What are you doing here?" she asked a while s he sat next to her startled he turned to face her but she still had her head back with her eyes closed. "We need to talk Dawson" he said. This time she faced him and her eyes were puffy and red and he could tell that she had been crying and this made his heart hurt he never wanted to hurt her but it seemed that no matter what he did he was always the cause of hurting her. "Talk about what? There is nothing to talk about Casey seriously Im tired and all I want to do is rest so please..." but she stopped talking when she felt his hand on her hand.

"Please let me explain and after Im done and you still don't believe me and want nothing to do with me I will understand and I will leave you alone" he said she looked at him and eventually agreed by nodding her head. So he went on telling her about going on with his cousin and Severide with his cousins friend. "Gabby please I never would hurt you like that well not again I want you and only you, your everything to me there is nobody else for me that I could be intersed in please don't kick me out of your life again because I will not be able to handle it your my everything your my world." He sighed when he finally let everything he had bottled up.

"I still cant remember anything about our relationship but I do know that I most have really like you because even now I cant stop thinking about you" she didn't say anything else because she was so lost in his eyes she couldn't look away. Then little by little Casey started leaning forward towards her, and she did the same she was leaning forward she wanted no needed to kiss him to see if she really did feel something for him. And next thing she knew her lips were touching Casey's lips...



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