Its All Pointless

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"Let go of me Casey" Dawson shouted when she seen who was holding her. "Not until you calm down." he said firmly. As much as she wanted to keep punching Hallie she had to calm down so Casey could let her down. After a minute he put her down but he stepped in the middle of them both. "What the hell is going on between you two?" he asked.

"I just came to drop off your shirt and she just started punching me she's crazy!" Hallie said. "Oh come on tell him the truth you've been practically begging me to punch you telling me how..." but she didn't even finish when Casey screamed "That's enough Dawson we'll talk about this later on" Dawson couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Seriously your going to believe her after everything" From behind Casey Hallie was smiling in satification. "How do you not want me to believe her after everything too you keep doubting me I tell you that I'm there for her as a friend but you don't believe me so now you want me to believe you" he said.

"And you want me to believe you when she has a shirt of yours you know Im tired of all this so if you want this relationship to work then you have to stop talking to Hallie its as simple as that." Dawson said. Casey simply shook his head "You cant do that tome Gaby Hallie is my friend" Dawson just nodded "You just made your decision goodbye Casey" she said and started to walk away but before she stopped in front of Hallie and punched her one last time and then walked away.

Hallie was on the floor hurting from all the punches that Dawson gave her. she was bleeding from the side of her mouth. "Are you okay?" Casey asked her as he helped her up from the floor "No look at me" she said as they walked inside his apartment. He went into his kitchen and got her pack of ice and gave it to her. She was petty beaten up she had a black eye, a swollen lip, and her nose was swollen as well Dawson on the other hand only had a few scratches and a busted lip.

"I cant believe she would do that to you, what really happened out there Hallie?" he asked her. "I told you Matt I came to give you your shit back and when she seen me she went crazy!" Hallie lied to him. He just shook his head "Look I really have to go but we'll talk about this later okay" he said as he got up from the sofa. "How about tonight here let me cook you dinner Matt please as a thank you for staying with me all those nights and I wont take no as an answer." She said smiling. He gave her a half smile back and nodded in agreement.

They walked out together of his apartment and went down to the parking lot they each got in their cars and they went their separate ways. Casey was dreading to go to work because he had to face Dawson but then he needed to talk to her. He didn't know why Dawson was so jealous of Hallie he had told her many times that he was over Hallie that they were only friends but he seemed like she didn't believe him. He needed to clear things up couldn't just let her end their relationship.

He parked outside of the station and seen that Dawson's car was parked across s he knew she was there already. He walked into the station an seen everybody gathered in the common room, "Okay Lt. Casey is here so we can get this meeting started" Chief Boden said. Casey seen Dawson sitting in the front next to Shay laughing. He was hoping that when he got to talk to her she would be in a better mood.

Chief Boden finished explaining how the board change most of the rules of the station so afterwards he excused everyone. Casey walked towards Dawson and Shay who were now talking to Severide they were all laughing he noticed that Dawson was laughing but her eyes were not meeting her laugh like she was forcing herself to be happy. "Um Gaby can we talk please" He said once he was in front of them. By the look on Shays face he knew Dawson had already told her what had happened.

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