Their Secret Relationship

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Dawson couldn't help but laugh as Casey was kissing her on her neck "Baby stop come on were suppose to be at work in less than 30 minutes and were nowhere near done." He kept kissing her "Well its pretty hard considering my girlfriend is hot" he said as they were standing under the warm water mostly Dawson was. Before he knew it she hard turned them around so now he was the one under the water. As he lifted his head up letting the water run down she immediately got out of the shower.

"Hey where did you go?" he asked once he opened his eyes She was laughing on the outside covering herself with a towel "I told you were going to be late so If I didn't get out then we would never get there on time so here Im going to make us breakfast" She and with that she walked out of the restroom to get dressed and make them breakfast. Casey couldn't help but groan all he wanted to do was keep kissing her.

He stood under the water for another minute trying to cool of because he had to admit he was getting pretty excited having Dawson with him the shower. He got out of the shower and wrapped the towel Dawson had left for him around his waist and walked out of the restroom and instantly smelled the food. He couldn't help but smile just thinking about his future with her. Was this the way it would be her cooking for him and if it was he couldn't complain about it.

He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice that Dawson was standing at the door way looking at him "Hey what are you thinking about?" she asked him as she walked behind him and hugged him around his waist. "Oh nothing" he lied because he didn't want to freak her out about him think about their future. She didn't believe him but decided to drop it "Okay well breakfast is ready come on" she said and gave him a kiss on his lips and walked to the kitchen.

After breakfast they had a little argument because Casey wanted them to go in the same car to work but Dawson still didn't want nobody to know, she wanted to wait at least a month until she wanted to tell everybody at the station. After about 15 minutes of arguing Casey gave in and left her apartment a tad mad.

He arrived to the station and in the front was Severide with Clarke and Capp, "looks like someone had a fun night that didn't even change" Capp said . They all looked at Casey and did notice he was wearing the clothes from the day before. In that moment Chief Boden walked up "Alright guys come on inside" he said. Dawson got out of her car and immediately walked over ot Shay as they entered the station. "So I seen that Casey has the same clothes from last night he spend the night at your house?" Dawson pretending not to know what she talking about. Shay laughed "I know about you and Casey liking each other come on its so obvious so what happened?"

Dawson walked into the locker room and seen the guys there she just waked over to her locker and left her backpack and walked out with Shay, "Were together but I don't want anybody to know" Dawson whispered Shay looked at her confused "What! Why?"  Shay couldn't understand why she would want to keep her relationship with Casey a secret. "Because he just broke up with Hallie the same day we got together so I really don't want to look like I did split them up" Dawson explained.

Shay shook her head she understood Dawson but she also knew that everybody would understand them being together. The alarm rang  and they all got in trucks and went to the emergency site. After the emergency truck and squad went back to the station while Shay and Dawson took the patient to the hospital. Casey was in his office when he heard someone knocking he looked and saw Severide he let him in.

"So you finally going to tell me what happened last night with Dawson" Severide asked him. "Were together but she doesn't want anybody to know" Casey said. Severide could tell he was upset about that "Why not?" he didn't understand why Dawson would not want to tell anybody "Because she doesn't want anybody to believe what Hallie has been saying about her " Casey said. Severide nodded "Okay I get that but if she knew us she would know that we would never think that about her" Severide said.

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