Who To Choose

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"Okay then Matt you want to know the truth yes Dawson and I used to date before you but we broke up but now that I have a second chance I plan on getting her back" Mills said which caught Casey by surprise. "Well she doesn't like you Mills and Im not willing to lose her again" Casey said. Both men stood in front of another not saying a word. "Well then I guess it all depends on Dawson then who she wants and I'm telling you this Im not going to give up until she is with me again." Mills said and then left.

Casey was so upset he needed to talk to Severide to he packed up his things and headed to Molly's, he was just hoping not to see Dawson with Mills. When he got there the bar was pretty packed for being a Wednesday. He spotted Severide sitting with Shay and her girlfriend. As he walked up he heard them laughing then he spotted Dawson behind the bar with Otis who was trying to teach her everything from serving drink to working the cash register. "Hey Casey you want a drink" Shay said as he sat next to Severide.

"Um yeah but ill get it anybody want drinks?" he asked them and they said yeah and told them what they wanted "Hey Lieutenant what can I get you?" Otis said as Casey was standing in front of him and Dawson. "Let me have 2 beers, one scotch, and one whiskey" Casey said remembering their drinks. Otis nodded and went to serve the drink while Dawson stood there. "You okay?" she asked him noticing how tense he was. He didnt know what to say, she barely even knew him "Umm yea just a little problem I'm having" he replied. "You want to talk about it?" she asked him, he nodded. In that moment Otis walked back to them with the drinks.

"Here let me help you and then we can talk" she said and they walked back to give them there drinks. "Is it okay if we go somewhere else to talk?" he asked her and she nodded. In that moment Mills walked up to them "Hey Gabby can we talk please" he said looking at her and then at Casey. She took a deep breath and she knew she had to tell him that she was not intersed. "Yeah give me a minutes Ill be there" She said which caused Casey a pain in his chest. He left to the bard and she turned to Casey "This will only take a minute do you want to meet in the font right now?" and he nodded.

He was glad that she wasnt canceling on him so she walked up to Mills "Hey what's up?" she asked him. "Dawson I really want to talk about us" but then she stopped him she was dreading this moment. "Before you continue Mills I should talk first, I.. oh god how should I say this.." but before she could even say anything else Mills leaned in and kissed her. Casey who was taking to Severide seen this and couldn't believe it. He couldn't take it anymore and left without saying anything. Dawson was taken by surprise she couldn't even react she was not expecting him to do that.

She pushed him away and before she even knew what she was doing she had slapped him which caused more people to see. "Why would you do that?" she asked him as he had his hand over his cheek where she slapped him. "Because Dawson I still love you and I want us to be together again" he said. She shook her head "Im sorry Mills but nothing will happen between us because I don't love you I don't even like you Im sorry for being so harsh but I know if Im not your just going to try to get back together but that will never happen. We can only be friends and that all"

"Is this because of Casey?" he asked her. She looked at him confused "What does Lieutenant Casey have to in this conversation?" she asked him. "You don't know do you?" he asked her, which she just stood there confused as ever. "Ask anybody at the firehouse lets see if they tell you" he said and walked away. She was more confused than ever what did everyone else know that she didn't, she turned around to see Casey but he was no longer there. She walked over to talk to Shay to see what was happening. "Hey can I talk to you for a moment?" Dawson asked her and she nodded noticing how serious she was and they walked to the back of the bar.

"What's wrong?" Shay asked her now that they were alone "Was there anything between Lieutenant Casey and I?" Dawson straight out asked. Shay was taken by her question how did she know? "Why are you asking me that?" Shay asked her. "Because Mills said he still loves me and wants to get back together and I rejected him and he asked me if It had to do with Casey and when I told him no and why would he be involved he said to asked firehouse 51 to see if they would tell me the truth so now Im asking what is going on?" Dawson said.

Shay couldn't believe that Mills would just do that, she couldn't be the one to tell her she knew that there was only one person for the job. So she just walked over to Hermann  and asked him for a pen while she got a napkin. She wrote down something and walked over to Dawson and handed her the napkin "What is this Shay?" Dawson asked as she held the napkin. "If you want answers that is where you will find them nobody else can answer them for you expect for the person who lives in the address that I gave you" And with that she walked away to sit back with Severide and her girlfriend Rachel.

Dawson didn't know what to do to either do what Shay said or try to get information from one of her co workers, but she knew it would be pointless because they wouldn't say anything either so she got her things and walked out of the bar without saying anything to anyone. Since she still was not driving she took a taxi to the address that Shay gave her and she walked up the steps an rang the doorbell waiting for someone to answer the door. "Dawson what are you doing here?" Casey asked her as he opened the door and saw her standing there. She was to shocked to even speak before se knew it Casey had let her in and he was already closing the door.

"Dawson are you okay?" he asked her as he guided her to his living room and they sat down. She simply nodded "How did you get here?" he asked her worried now when she wouldn't even speak to him. "A taxi I didn't know you lived here" he looked he confused then why was she here if she didn't know he lived there. "Then why are you here?" he asked her. "Shay gave me your address but she didn't tell me you lived here she said I would get all the answer to the questions I had" she said showing him the napkin.

"Okay... What questions do you have?" he asked her. She took a breath before talking "I need to know what happened between us before my accident" she asked him and completely was not expecting that, did she know? Who told her could it have been Shay but he knew she wouldn't do anything or say anything without him knowing. "Why do you ask that?" he asked her trying to figure out why she was asking him that. "Mills" and then she went on telling him what had happened with him. He was completely speechless what could he tell her now. Could he tell her the truth without jeopardizing once again his relationship with her.

"Im afraid that once I tell you the truth you will hate me and will not want to know anything about me" he admitted truthfully looking down not being able to look at her in her eyes. "Is it that bad?" she asked him. He couldn't even answer instead he just nodded his head, she got closer to him. "Casey  need to know I cant keep living like this not remembering my live in these past few years please just tell me ad I promise that I will listen until the end and not jump to any conclusion and hear you out but please just tell me what happened between us" she pleaded him

He took a deep breath and then processed on telling her the truth. By the end she was speechless how could she not remember him if he meant so much to her. "Dawson please say something" he said getting nervous by her silence. "I cant believe that I don't even remember us, our relationship we had" she finally said. "I guess its normal since we di have a big argument before your accident and I cant help but feel terrible and I guess in a way I feel guilty" he told her. She was not expecting him to say that. "I believe everything happens for a reason and I just need time to process all of it" she said and then without saying anything else she left...






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