Please Believe Me

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*Few Days Later*

Days had passed since they told the whole firehouse that they were together and honestly Dawson was glad she did but it was a bit awkward with Mills. Every time she would pass by him he would give her dirty looks, she tried to ignore him but he would do things that he knew would bother her and he would laugh. She was getting tired of it, she had not told Casey because since Mills was a candidate on truck she didn't want her relationship to come in between them. But it was getting her upset and then some day it was even worse because when Casey wasnt around he would get near her.

If she were reading a book or the newspaper he would lean over to pretend that he was looking at it to and he would whisper in her ear "You look beautiful today" or "You smell great I love your scent" she couldn't take it anymore she decided to talk to Shay before she talked to Casey and Chief Boden. "You have to tell him Dawson he is doing it because he wants to cause drama between you and Casey but you cant let him." Shay said. Dawson nodded because she knew Shay was right but she really didn't want to tell them today because Matt was nervous because he was meeting up with his mother who he has not seen since his parent got a divorce 10 years ago. It has been 9 years since he last saw his mother and they were all going to have dinner together.

His mother, his sister Christie, his niece Violet, Casey, and Dawson so after shift they were going to each others apartment and get ready then Casey was going to pick her up when they were ready. So after saying goodbye after shift they each got in their car and left. Once home Dawson got in the shower but before she picked out what she was going to wear and decided on a simple black one shoulder dress she laid it on the bed and went to shower. When she got out of the shower she let her hair down to air dry it while she did her make up. She really wasnt into doing her make up so she put on a eye liner on top of her eye then she put some mascara, and she ended it with red lipstick.

She smiled at herself as she looked at herself in the mirror, then she decided to blow dry her hair, within the hour she was ready she had put on her black dress and was now sitting on the couch waiting for Casey he wouldn't be there for another 20 minutes so she decided to watch a little bit of television while waiting for him. As she turned on the tv she heard her doorbell she looked at the time and was surprised but walked over to the door and was smiling but soon faded when she seen who was standing there. No it was not Casey like she thought would be standing there but instead there standing in front of her was Mills.

"What are you doing here Mills?" she asked him. He kept on smiling, "Well I really was hoping to talk to you so here I am can I come in?" he asked her. She shook her head "No Mills please leave" she said and was closing the door but he placed his foot so she wouldn't be able to close it. "You see I tried to be nice to you but since you want to be such a bitch then I guess were going have to do this the hard way." Mills said as he pushed the door and walked in her apartment. "What the hell is your problem?" Dawson said pushing him. "This, you, Casey all of this you weren't suppose to get back with him your suppose to hate him for what he did to you." Mills said raising his voice clearly upset.

"Casey and I talked about it and we decided to leave that behind us I dont remember any of it I honestly I dont want to because I am the happiest right now with him and there is nothing you can do about it Mills so this is the last time I ask you for you to leave... now!" she said now she was getting mad. He shook his head "I cant do that because you cant see it right now but you and I belong together Dawson and Im going to make you see it." he said. She turned around because she was going to call Casey to tell him but then she felt him right behind her and then there was a cloth in her nose and as she tried to fight it she began to feel dizzy.

"Shhh shhh dont fight it Dawson." Mills whispered in her ear and then before she knew it her eyes closed and she lost consciousness.


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