Argument After Argument

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*3 Days Later*

Dawson had seen little of Casey since he would be spending time with Hallie in the hospital. Just last night they got into another argument since he asked Chief Boden if he could take the day off today since Hallie was getting released that he was going to take her home.

Chief Boden let him miss and when he told Dawson that is when she couldn't hold her tongue anymore and told him exactly how she was feeling. "Are you serious? Look I tried to understand this whole situation with her but I honestly cant I cant keep sharing you with her because that how I feel right now that Im sharing you" She said trying to hold back the tears.

"Gaby please my relationship with Hallie is only a friendship and she needs me right now and if I can be there for here then I will and Im sorry if you feel that way but once she gets home then it will all change but right now she needs me" he said kissing the top of her head and was about to leave.

"What about me? I need you too Casey they only time we get to spend together is in the station and its not like we see each other a lot because were always getting calls" she said a little bit sad. "And because you still don't want to tell anybody about us" he said. Dawson noticed is tone was a little harsh now "Casey please lets not get into that I already told you why I don't want to tell anybody"

Casey just nodded "Yeah I know well I have to go Ill see you later" and before she could say anything else he walked out the door. Dawson finally let the tears that she was holding back fall down her cheek she just couldn't let him see her cry. She honestly didn't feel like she was in relationship with Casey anymore.

She decided to visit her brother to get her mind off Casey, she got ready and then headed to her brothers house. She rang the doorbell and waited for someone to answer the door. "Aunt Gaby!" Eva Antonio's older daughter said as she opened the door and hugged her aunt.

"Hi sweetie is you dad home?" she asked as she walked in. "Yeah his outside with Diego" so Gaby walked into the kitchen to see Laura cooking "Hi Laura" Gabby said giving her a hug "Hi Gaby how are you?" her sister in law asked her. Gaby simply shrugged "Okay could be better" "Problems with Casey" Laura asked her, Gaby nodded.

Dawson didn't want to tell anybody but it had slipped one day to her sister in law but she knew she could trust her in not telling her brother and she was right she hasn't told him anything. "Want to talk about it?" so Gaby needed to tell someone so she told her what had happened. "The whole situation is messed up because either way he is in the middle I get it that is his friend he wants to help her but he also has to understand you that its not easy seeing him with her I think you should just try to keep trying to talk to hi until you make your point"

Gaby smiled thanking her for her opinion, then she walked outside to see her brother "Well what do I owe the pleasure of my lovely sister visiting me?" Antonio said seeing her. "Haha cant a sister want to see her brother" she said as they hugged. "I remember that you would only want to see me when you had a problem and needed my help or when you just needed to vent" he said looking at her suspicious.

She let out a long sigh "I hate how well you know me" he smile and they sat down. "Im dating Casey" she blurted out. He looked at her "You mean Casey as Lieutenant Casey the one you work with?" he asked still processing what she just said she nodded. "So what's going on then?" he asked her. she  continued on telling him everything that has happened with Hallie

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