1 Step Forward 3 Steps Back

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Dawson wanted to stop but she couldn't she couldn't stop things before things got out of hand, She couldn't stop herself from moaning while they were kissing. His hands started rubbing circles on her waist, she got up from his lap, "We cant were in my brothers house that I just wrong." she said breathless, he turned to be facing her now since she was once again sitting next to him on the bed. "Your right but I dont think I can control myself having you this close." he said. They had their foreheads together and their eyes closed, "I didn't think I could stop either but we have to there will be plenty of time later on" she said, he nodded and then thy laid down. She had her back towards him and he turned over to turn off the lamp then laid back down facing Dawson so he could hug her, spooning position.

Dawson woke up early the next to day drop off the kids at school and seen that Matt was already awake taking a shower, she seen that it was already 7am so she went to see if the kids were up and they were ready so she went downstairs to start breakfast, "Can we see daddy and mommy today aunt Gabby?" Diego asked as he walked into the kitchen, "Of course buddy after school I take you to see them" Gabby replied setting a plate of food in front of him. Eva walked down a few minutes later ready so Dawson also served her and they started eating. Dawson set 2 more plates down for her and Casey, and waited for him to come down and within a minute he was there within making small talk eating, "Do you have to go to work today?" she asked him..

"Yeah I actually have to leave in a bit, when are you going back to work?" Casey asked me. Dawson shrugged "honestly I dont know maybe I'm going to take the 2 weeks that Chief gave me you know so when Antonio gets out I can help Laura" Dawson said. Casey just nodded, he looked at his watch "Okay well Im leaving before I get to the firehouse late see you later." he said giving her a kiss on the lips "Bye kids" Casey said and they said goodbye and then he left. "Okay lets go guys" she said a few minutes after finishing eating they were just going to get there on time. After dropping the kids at school she drove to the hospital to see her brother. "Hey" she said once she entered his room see Laura sleeping on the chair next to the bed, "Hey" he whispered not trying to wake up his wife. "How you feeling?" she asked him. "Well I could be better if they let me out of here so I can be home with my family" he said clearly upset.

"Well soon enough you will be home dont worry about that worry about yourself on getting better" she said. In that moment Laura started waking up "Gabby I was expecting you come this early" she said getting up and hugging Dawson. "Yeah well I dropped off the kids and decided to come so you can go home and take a shower and freshen up you need it." Gabby said. "Boy what a nice way to tell her that she looks like hell sis" Antonio said. " ha ha very funny no but seriously go I'll take care of him dont worry" Dawson told her. So after an hour with her brother Laura came back looking much better so Dawson said her goodbye and left the hospital. She didn't really feel like being alone so she decided o go to the firehouse and talk to Chief Boden to see if she could extend her vacation time I case her brother needed her for anything,  

As soon as she entered the firehouse everyone started greeting her, Shay immediately hugged her "Hey how have you been?" She asked Dawson, "Okay you know trying stay on top of everything for my brother" she said. Mills then walked up to her he smiled at her and was bout to go in to hug her but she stopped him. "Dont get near me Mills" she said in a firm tone causing everyone to look. "Gabby I told you that Im sorry okay please Im just trying to be nice to you right now" he replied. "Well dont I dont want to know anything about you so stay away from me" she said. "You heard her already Mills" Casey said now walking towards the group next to Severide. He stood behind Dawson and placed his hands around her waist. Everyone's eyes widened seeing them together once again. "Are you guys together again?" Shay asked her.

Dawson and Casey both nodded "Yeah we did last night and this time Im not going to let anybody or anything come in between us again." Casey said clearly talking about Mills since he was looking straight at him when he said that. "Im so glad for you guys but please try to sty together this time" Otis said causing everyone to laugh expect Mills. "I guarantee you guys that I will never let go of Dawson again" he said kissing her on her cheek. Dawson smiled and was slightly blushing so was never to found of have all the attention of everyone but she was so happy to be with Casey once again. "Alright well I'm going to steal her away for a sec be right back" Shay said linking her arm with Dawson and puling her away towards the locker room. "Okay spill what the hell happened how did this happen?" Shay asked once they were in the locker room. So Dawson told her what had happen and that she couldn't be away from Casey and how helpful he has been while her brother as been in the hospital and that she couldn't deny her feelings for him anymore.

After 5 minutes they were going to back to the kitchen when Dawson started feeling dizzy and once again she started to remember something, "Gabby you okay?" Shay asked worried about her. "My head it hurts" Dawson complained putting her hands on her head, "Let me go get you some medicine hold on" Shay said and ran out the locker room she was also going to go look for Casey to tell him. Once Shay got the medication she went to look for Casey and told him what was happening and he immediately ran to the locker room, everyone looked at Shay but she told them everything was okay and just to keep on doing what they were doing. Shay ran after and as she entered the locker room she seen Casey kneeing down close to Dawson asking her if she was okay. Shay walked over and her a water bottle with a pill for her headache.  Dawson took it and afterwards faced them.

"Baby are you okay?" Casey asked her concerned sitting next to her rubbing her back, "Did you remember something?" Shay asked he remembering that last time she got like tat she remembered something. Dawson couldn't speak she only nodded as yes answer. "I have to go I cant be here" Dawson said standing up and walking out of the locker room leaving Casey and Shay alone in the locker room. They both looked confused to what just happened so Casey walked out of the locker room behind Dawson trying to catch up with her. "Dawson baby what happened back there? What did you remember?" he asked her. "Casey just leave me alone right now please I need to be alone" Dawson said as she walked out of the firehouse towards her car. "Gabby please talk to me was it a bad memory?" he asked her.

She got to her car and was about t put her key to unlock her car but Casey stood in front of the door, "Matt move I need to leave" she said but he shook his head "No you cant leave until you tell me what you remembered I need to know" he said, "You really want to know fine I'll tell you I remember the break up the first time the time Callie was there" she let everything she was trying to hold back and screamed it to him. "Gabby I-" but she didn't let him finish. "Look I know that I told you that no matter what, even if I did remember what happened that I would not let it come in between us but I cant right now I really need to be by myself so please move so I can leave." She told him. "Gabby please we really need to talk about that" he said but none the less moved so she could get in her car. "We will but I need to think right and be alone" and with that she shut the door and drove off leaving Casey there standing alone...





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