Decision Made

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After she left Matt's place she had to talk to Shay so she went to her apartment. Before se could even knock Severide walked out. "Hey Dawson um come on in Shays in the kitchen" Severide said. Dawson nodded "Hey Dawson dont think that Im trying to get into your business but if Matt didnt tell you about your guys's past then it must be for a good reason" Dawson then knew that Severide was going over to Casey's house.

"Can you tell him that Im not mad at him Im just confused and need time to time to think about things please" Dawson said and Severide nodded and left. Dawson walked im and seen Shay making margaritas, "Come on tell me what happend" Shay said as she handed her the margarita and they sat down on the couch and Dawson started explaining everything. "I know you dont remember your relationship with Casey but I remember how you would be when you were with him and you were head over heels for him yes there was some problems but you were the happiest persln when you were with him anybody could see that, now about Mills he should havw not told you anything he was so jealous when he told you but I guess its a good thing" Shay said.

Dawson remained silent thinking of everything Shay just said. "The first time I seen Casey after I woke up I had this weird feeling whenever I was with like if there was something between us and now I understand why" Shay just nodded "And now? After knowing the whole truth?" Shay asked. Another silent moment "When I see Casey I get this butterflies in my stomach I cant explain it I get nervous and I cant even talk like its only me and him and nothing else matters. But Im afraid what if he still had feelings for his ex? Can you honestly tell me that I waa happier with Casey then I was with Mills?" Dawson asked Shay.

"Before anything I want you to close your eyes" Dawson hesitated but did what Shay said so she closed her eyes. "Okay now when you see yourself laying in bed ready to sleep and your cuddled up next to that person who do you see? Casey or Mills?" Dawson opened her eyes ans immediately opened her eyes knowing the answer. "I have to go" Shay really wanted to know but she knew that Dawson would tell her later on.

After driving for 20 minutes she finally reached her destination, she parked and took a deep breath before stepping out of her car. She walked up to the door and rang the doorbell and waited for someone to answer the door. "Dawson what are you doing here?" Mills asked her. "Can I come in?" She asked him and he nodded stepped aside so she could go in. She sat down on the couch "Would you like something tk drink?" He asked her to "No thank you I just came to clear somethings up between us Mills" She said and he nodded and sat next to her.

"I still dont remember what has happened in the last few years with me but  I guess that still hasn't stopped me from feelings things for Casey"  Gabby explained "What he did to you was unacceptable of him how you have feelings for him is so wrong you deserve someone better than him someone who will never hurt you Gabby I still love you" Mills said. Dawson just shook her head she couldn't think of him as anything other then her friend and she had to make that very clear to him so he wouldn't think that they actually had a chance of getting back together.

"Im sorry Mills but I don't love you I only see you as a friend, and if you cant accept that then its better if were not friends at all either I would really hate to loose you friendship but nothing can happen between us because Im pretty sure that I love Casey even though I cant remember our history and maybe that is a good thing that way we can start from the start I should go I said what I needed to be said goodbye Mills" Dawson left Mills there without saying another word she had to go make another stop but she stopped once she was in her car. What would she say she just told Mills that she loved Casey even though she knew nothing of him.

She decided to still go over Casey's apartment hopefully he would do the talking. She was determine to resolve what she was feelings towards him she had to see if it was really love or if she was confused. She parked outside of Casey's apartment and she seen Severide's car still parked there she was about to get off her car when she seen Severide and Casey walking out but they weren't alone there walking along with both of them were to other woman. All four of them were laughing as they got into Severide's car. And instantly Dawson felt disgusted by the scene .

She was  just about to pour her heart out Casey and tell him that she didn't care about her past with him and that she wanted a brand new start with him that she wanted to get to know him and that if one day she remembered she would not hold it against him. But now seeing them walk out with those girl she couldn't believe it, after Severide left she stood there in her car and just cried. Afterwards she drove off to the only place she knew where she could find comfort...

uh oh Casey what have you done?

Where will Dawson go?

Why would Casey be with the blonde woman?

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