Twenty Three: Epilouge

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Gerard and Frank were in the kitchen on their hotel in the Caribbean. They were both enjoying their honeymoon, and enjoy themselves.1

"Gerard?" Frank called out.

Gerard responded. "Yeah?"

"Have you seen my boxers?" Frank shouted, he wanted to wash all of his clothes today.

"You probably left them where ever we had sex last time." Gerard said.

"Never mind found them!" Frank called out, he had all his clothes and Gerard's together in a pile, ready to be washed.

"What are you making?" Frank says as he places his hands on Gerard's hips.

"Coffee." Gerard responds.

Frank spins Gerard around and kisses him. Gerard grins into the kiss and bites down on the bottom of Frank's lip, which is reason enough to let Gerard do anything.b

"I love you." Frank says, pushing Gerard backward, still maintaining the hold he's got around him.

Gerard mumbles something that gets lost somewhere between his mouth and Frank's. Probably an I love you, but he wouldn't know. He doesn't even consider trying to say anything, because he hits the counter behind him a moment later.

Frank tastes good right now. He tastes like gross coffee and toothpaste. He smells like, well he smells like sex, but that's because he smells like their hotel bed, and their hotel bed smells like sex. That's because they have a lot of sex. It's not just in the bed, there was the time in the beach chair outside the balcony of their hotel room, along with several thousand times in the shower, the limo, the closet, the floor, the stairs, up against the wall, the bathroom, the beach, on the dining table, and a few other places that have slipped Gerard's mind because they have sex everywhere. Gerard's kind of proud of that, he has a little metaphoric check-list that he keeps and marks off all the possible places to have sex.

"Have we ever done it in the kitchen?" Frank says, pressing against Gerard, who's got a counter painfully nudged into his back, but honestly, he doesn't care at the moment.

"Fuck." Gerard grumbles, and he tugs on the strands of Frank's hair at the back of his head.

Gerard steps out of his pants and wraps his arms around Frank's waist, playing with the hem of his boxers, because he's wearing to many clothes for this to work.

Frank mouths at Gerard's jaw for a moment, before he nibbles at the skin on his neck, which makes Gerard let out a little 'ah' sound which Frank can actually feel from Gerard's neck. He smiles, dipping his tongue into the collar bone. He runs a hand under Gerard's shirt, and Gerard's hands are starting to feel like jelly, because he can't think of anything he could possibly do that's better than this. Well, there's a couple of things in fact, and this realization forces Gerard to push further on Frank, placing his hands on Frank's shoulders now.

Frank's has lifted Gerard's shirt up so far it's almost a scarf, but it's still totally getting in the way so he takes his mouth away from Gerard for a moment and pulls it over his head. He takes this moment to also get his own up and over his head, throwing it across the kitchen and out of his mind for the time being.

With the shirts gone, Frank goes back to kiss Gerard again, and Gerard doesn't even have the time complain that he had other ideas. Frank makes his way back down Gerard's body, trailing kisses on every part of the skin can get to. There's no need for Gerard to do any coaxing at this point, Frank's has him all covered.

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